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Jordane's Day At The Bird Clinic


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Well, Sunday was the Bird Clinic @ my Work...It wasn't nearly as crowded as it was back in May...


Anywho... The Vet Looked Jordane over and she weighs 380 grams, he said she looks good (Wasn't fat, wasn't underweight) and checked her breastbone to make sure is wasn't cracked or anything (I didn't think it was, but it's part of his exams)...


He did say her wings were over clipped :( (wasn't by me...) and said she only needs the first 6 clipped, no more than that... anywho, so he trimmed the first six back up to the secondary feather line and then pulled about 4 on each wing of the overclipped ones :( so they'll grow back in quicker... He also pulled a few tail feathers that were broken from her over-zealous play-attacking of her toys ;) lol Then he trimmed her beak back and smoothed it out... She Looked Gorgeous!! B) he he


She was pretty much awake by the time he put her back in her carrier... We waited around a bit, while I ate Pizza and she finished waking up, then we headed home... Making a Pit stop to the Grocery Store so I could grab a few things... She got Doted on by the Cashiers... :P lol I snapped a pic of her sitting on her carrier on the way home... See Below ;)lol


Anywho... All in All, It went good and she didn't even hold a grudge against me for having it done to her... She is such a Sweety!! he he Hmmm I THINK she LOVES Me!! lol


Anywho... Just thought I would Share our little adventure and That she IS Healthy!! Just on the Smaller side for a Congo ;) he he




Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/08/15 14:56<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/08/15 14:57


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Glad to hear all is well! I would comment that the green text you wrote in is very hard to see/read on the forum. BTW, Kip is a female CAG, totally healthy at a steady 365 grams. She is also on the small side, but you can be assured that for some this weight range is normal! B)

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Georgous baby, and glad to hear all is well in your greyt world. She is just a little petite for a grey but well within normal limits. She is certainly a cutie.


However, that cage is a little small for her, I hope you only use it for very short trips, it is more suited for the smaller birds, I use one just like it for my sun conure.:)

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Yes... I hardly Put her in it, she does have some room to move around in it, but it is small... When I can afford one of those airline ones, I plan on replacing it... But, she goes in it no problem... And I'm not "stuffing her in it"... It was just the one that came with her... as soon as I pay her off and have the extra $$,I do plan on replacing a few of her things... But Thanx For Showing Concern, I do appreciate the thought ;)

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What is a clinic day?

And why the beak trim was she having issues eating? I have never had Que's beak trimmed and she has scissor beak. It exposes nerves and no need to have a bird drugged unless you just absolutely have to.

Glad she come out with a clean bill off health.

Thank you for the update.

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At My Work, we have a vet that comes 3x/year... And we have people from all over the area show up for it... The Vet travels all over the country doing these clinics... It's very safe (otherwise we wouldn't hold them & I certainly wouldn't take her to them)... He uses very little anesthetic and the exam is over quickly... It is just easier and less stressful on the bird to do it this way...


And as far as trimming the beak, he just smoothes the tip so it isn't so sharp and then smooths the sides so there isn't rough edges... they have some nerves in their beak, but it doesn't go all the way to the tip, it's rather like a horses hoof or their toenails... He didn't take off much of her beak, just the sharpest part... I'm not great at explaining things, so please forgive me... And it doesn't seem to bother her... She's eating just like always... You wouldn't even know she had anything done to her...

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Actually, I do have an avian vet... He's rather eccentric but very knowledgable... He's more on the lines of homeopathic, which I like... But, he can charge an arm and a leg, so unless I REALLY need to take her in, why pay the outrageous prices??? I would be insane to... IF I had the means of having her looked at/groomed for a very reasonable price...


I truly appreciate the concern, but I do have things covered :)

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I know... Like I said... I DO appreciate the concern... I'm just reassuring you that you can rest easy... Jordane IS in good hands :) That way, you can enjoy YOUR Greys as much as I enjoy Mine ;) he he (**back at'ch yas)


There will be more pics of Jordane as soon as I get back "down below" where I can upload my phone pics... he he Seeing as I haven't gotten my digital camera yet... I rely on my camera phone... But hey... whatever works!! lol I love seeing everyone elses pics as well!!

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Well that is one thing we can all agree on, we love to see pictures here, especially of our greys, but even of other birds we have. I love them all, can't you tell.


I'm sure Jordane is in excellent hands, you care about your grey very much, and we care about you and your grey, we are like that here on this forum. You won't find a better bunch of people on a forum than right here. :)

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Don't you feel really good when you get your baby checked out by a VET... It's such a great feeling.. A feeling that you are doing all the right things in the raising of your baby... I know it makes me feel very good.. and I am sure it made you feel wonderful too.. :)

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I completely agree, Judygram!! I love it here!! This is the first forum I've been on for Greys... First one I came across and just love the atmosphere here... I think you guys Rock!!


And, Yes, CD... It DOES feel wonderful knowing (or shall I say being reassured by a vet) that I am doing everything right...

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Beak trimming is unnecessary, unless for some reason your Grey does not have sufficient chewing of hard objects such as wooden blocks, hard shelled nuts etc.


The only trimming taking place is normally Nails and Wings.


How much longer until you get your Grey? I am excited for you. :woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/18 13:57

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