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Things our greys say...


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I am glad to see that I am not the only one with a bird who mastered the "fart noise"...Silver does it mostly when I leave the room and he wants to tell me that he doesn't appreciate it.


Other than that Silver meows, drops bombs, does the microwave, the kitchen alarm, the fire-alarm, dials and rings the phone, he loves to whistle "fever" and the andy griffith's song, he also perfected the echo noise from Pink Floyd's "echoes". He says Silver, hello, hey, hello boy, hello silver, Silverbird, Silbervogel (German for Silverbird), Whiteboy (the name of a cat he used to live around), Whitevogel (he made that up), step up, up-up, several f-words which he did NOT learn from me (and uses only when he feels neglected), what are you doing...he also speaks budgie and cockatiel language...and likes to make "oh"-comments.<br><br>Post edited by: Silver, at: 2007/09/06 21:47

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Guest briansmum

BMustee, thats really good for a bird the age of yours, great infact! my grey made the lazer beam noise for the first time today :lol:


silver, sounds like you have quite a vocab there, how old is he?

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Silver is around 5. He really started talking a lot in the last year. When I got him (he was around 4), his only word was "Silver", but he could already dial/ring/answer the phone and was working on the andy griffith song...He now also starts saying a lot of stuff he must remember from before he came to stay with me (the bad words, "up-up", the meows etc...). We play a whistling/talking game every evening...I sit across the room from him and we take turns whistling/talking (he doesn't talk back, he is a little shy about talking in front of people).<br><br>Post edited by: Silver, at: 2007/09/06 22:17

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xxBeccyxx - Thats good to know that he's got a good start on talking. I didn't get a Grey because of their ability to talk but I got so excited when he started doing my laughs...I think he was about 4 months when he started doing them.


The father of my CAG was from a parrot refuge, and is not tame. I guess the people at the refuge tryed to tame him but couldn't so they gave him to the breeder to live out his days with a girlfriend. He cognetivly will call for Jack (the breeder) when he sees him...he never calls anyone else Jack...and he will also ask for the foods he wants by name.

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Makena is 4 months old today and he tries so hard to talk. It is really cute, but sounds mostly like R2D2. His new thing though, which I am not 100% happy about is he is mimicking pigeons!! We have hundreds of them around our condo constantly... so it isn't surprising he picked it up!

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Guest briansmum

brian has two new "words"!! yay!


he says "pew-pew-pew" like a laser and today he said "meow" i thought i was hearing things, but my sister heard him say it too


i have no idea where he got it from so it was pretty amusing for a while... but then he threw peas everywhere. i was less amused by the pea flinging. he was not.

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nevjoe wrote:

Hemingway who is 4 months Just grobles. He better start talking soon or I want a refund.




Joe, you make me laugh with your humor, and I love it. It sounds more like jibberish, thats what Josey did to start with and then the words came out clearer. She says more words now and she even carries on a conversation with you sometimes.


I took her with me over the weekend to visit my son out of state and she did not utter a word, but a half hour down the road home, she started up again going over her collection of words and sounds.:laugh:

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Hey! how come you didn't ask me to go. Are you holding out and went on a lost weekend doing the nasty, and making us beleive you were at the kids?


Is this just blowing smoke to hide the truth.If Virginia is for lovers...........then am I missing out?





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  • 3 weeks later...

Radar talks all the time. Here are a few things I can think of:


Give me some sugar (we are southern & he says this with his southern drawl)

Come here

come here & give me some sugar

you wanna go out

get in here!!!


Radar (of course)

Yea (in his deep voice)

You ready to go to bed?

Ready to go to work?

Jerry go to work?

I love you & We love you

Radar's a baby bird

What are you doing? & what are you doing now

Rub your head (& then he puts his head down do I can rub it)

Hello (deep voice)

Pretty baby bird


To name a few.

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Rockelle was 23 when I was her foster mom, so she already had a huge vocab. She learned my name in days and would use it often. Here are some of my favorites of her other words/sounds:


-Bomb noise (no explosion)

- coughing (she would hold her claw up to her mouth, I had a cold for a while that summer)

- Microwave noise (which she would often do as a joke to my stepmom)

- Entire phone conversation.


- Grapes

- Wind noises with swaying (We lived in FL and she had lived through major hurricanes)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Harrison continues to learn new words and phrases. The cutest thing is when she says "go poopie"....she says it in a really high voice compared to how she says other phrases. I really wish I could figure out this video camera I have. Anyway, here are some more words/phrases she's learned..this was taken from her online photo album.



Want a cracker?

Fly, fly, fly!!

Hey, hey, hey!!

What's the matter?

Where's my good birdie?



Hi Sweet Pea

That's my nose, those are my toes

Sandy, shush (Sandy is our dog)



Hey Girl

Go Poopie (in a really high voice, then she poops)

Where's my girl?


Watch birdies (bird DVD)

How's my (little) girl, hmmmm????

That's my (little) girl

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  • 2 months later...

My dad's bird will hold her claw up while taunting.."come on come on I'll knock you out"...she will then throw her punch with an evil pew, gotcha and an evil laugh. I can only hope that I can get my bird to be half as much of a character.


RadarHayes<br><br>Post edited by: RadarHayes, at: 2007/12/30 07:04

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hi all ,

max is 8 months old and says.


hello mum ( still waiting for him to say hello dad )

hello max

hello there


wolf whistles

clucks like a chicken

barks like my dogs

imitates my 2 conures screaching

shouts liverpool now and again

and this morning for the first time said good morning when i went to his cage.<br><br>Post edited by: mrmacca, at: 2008/01/01 20:19

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  • 2 weeks later...

My CAG, Joey, is 2 years old and is a very fast learner. Words he has picked up...



How you doing?

Good boy

Naughty boy

Don't bite

I love you

Khadija (housekeepers name)



Come on

Its ok


(and he has just about mastered the Adams Family theme tune!)



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