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My TAG has runny nose


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I just noticed today she shook her head and her beak had a tiny droplet, and I thought hmm, so i looked up close and I could see both her nostrils were wet inside, one more than the other, it wasnt water because she was perched on my monitor for a while.


So, what am I potentially looking at?

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This problem could be a bacterial infection. It could be a sinus problem. It could be symtoms of a cold. It also could be a clogging of the nostrils that's caused by dust/dander. It could be scratching of the nostrils by the claws.

The one thing here is that in every other way, your bird is acting fine going about what it normally does. The above medical symtoms are usually minor. The symtoms above aren't life threatening like the way internal illnesses of birds are. If any of the above symtoms are actually medical in nature, a vet usually gives an antibiotic for a very short time.

This is only my personal opinion but I think the problem will pass without a vet visit but if the problem persists, a vet visit is necessary. It isn't good for us here to diagnose these types of problems which is why I say that it's only my opinion. You'll need to watch the progression of the runny nose and make a decision about the vet or you can immediately go to a vet to relieve your mind.

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Her nose was dry all day yesterday soon after.....dry today all day, I peek every once in a while.


She did tonight sneeze, firsr time in days, iactually dont remember the last time she sneezed, then I looked and one nostril seemed wet inside, then 30 minutes later dry again.....must not be anything serious as she is perfectly normal, just 1 sneeze....I still keep an eye for anything out of the usual.

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