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The peanut debate


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hmmm......do you guys feed your greys roasted or unroasted peanuts? i had a hard time choosing when i bought mine!

George eats the unroasted ones...i figured they'd have more nutritional content, much like fresh veggies vs. steamed or frozen.


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  • 5 months later...

I also feed peanuts...Mr Tiki arrived pre-addicted..having been fed peanuts and junk food and then maybe some actual bird seed mixture...if anyone could be bothered..he liked the human salty dry roasted planters things according to the last owner..he gets Hines raw jumbo Virginia peanuts..from the supermarket..as yet touch wood we have had no difficulty...I figure he must be hardy after all he went through..I didn't even mention all the cola and doctor pepper I am sure he was given...I am ashamed to say I didn't know peanuts posed a threat until a year ago...I go on the assumption that if I eat a small handful and that's a portion for me then one now and then is a portion for him...I also feed everything under the sun including the pellets that were so hard won to wean him onto at the start of this journey (I agree that the manufacturer is probably trying to get my money also plus I am not sure if they should make having a parrot convenient maybe people would be put off and less would be in rescue)...he is still not keen on vegetables or fruit or many other things but will eat if I hand feed him...so sucker that I am I hand feed him lol and my vet remarks every time I go that his feet are still dry and he is still underweight...and again gives me all the tips I've tried and all the advice I have sat up nights getting...but he's getting there, he's healthier and he's alive

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On another note for BIRDGRANNA...I am sorry your little one is ill...I read somewhere on the posts that another bird was sick with Aspergillosis she was feeding it cucumber everyday and said the vet was amazed that the bird was doing so well...maybe its worth a try...I am sure it certainly cant hurt

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