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Our baby Umbrella Cockatoo :)


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This is our baby Umbrella Cockatoo Bean :)

She is an absolute sweetheart although is addicted to cuddles so we are careful to make sure she gets time in her cage and learns to be alone sometimes. I think half the problems with Too's start from them getting nonstop attention as a baby then the honeymoon period wears off, the bird cant understand why it's not getting so many cuddles and so on...and the screaming starts! :P


So we have a good balance with Bean, if she had her way she would be attached to me 24/7 (of course, she is a 'Too!) but she is being brilliant with her alone time. What is amazing me is how agile she is. When we got her she ahd only been in an incubator, and she has learned to perch in an hour (it took our CAG a week and Bean was half the age Bear was when we got him) and she has learned to climb so much quicker than our CAG did...in fact she will overtake him shortly I think! She also learned to step up in about a minute and does it every single tiem without fail, and is brilliant on our shoulders. We really couldn't ask for more, she is such a sweetie! I think Bear (our grey) took so long because he had such a bad start and because of coruse baby CAG's are notoriously clumsy :P


Anyway, here is Bean! ;)









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Bean is so adorable, I love toos but alas they are not for me but I think you have handled him the right way and hopefully he will never be the screamer but that may come with time, thanks for sharing some pics of Bean with us, such a sweet looking bird.

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What a sweetie. You are right that developing a good balance between cuddles and independence seems to be the big issue with toos.


We have a G2/U2 hybrid named Gwyneth. She loves attention and cuddling, but does not scream for attention or anything. I think one thing that has helped us maintain a good balance with her is that she gets her special time every evening after the other birds are put to bed when she gets to stay up and watch TV with us and get all the attention and cuddles she wants. She also gets attention through the day, but I think she isn't too demanding because she knows she has her special time to count on. She also has bird friends to hang out with.

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Well....as of lastnight, Bean can now fly!


She has been jumping around and flapping her wings...ie when she cant reach me and wants a cuddle she kind of launches :P and as of lastnight, we saw she has learned to fly :) She was on another sofa and I called her to come over to me to see how well she could CLIMB down (she is almost 10weeks) and she decided flying was quicker so took off. I was surprised to say the least!


She is already better at climbing around the sofa than our CAG. He was at a setback though as when we got him he had been clipped FAR too much, there was nothing left, only now nearly 3 months later can he actually glide down a bit, but still can't fly :( This of coruse didn't help him when learning to climb, perch and balance. Bean is fortunate enough to have not been clipped when we got her (its amazing how many people do it here before the bird fledges!) so she is improving every day :)

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  • 1 month later...

Awe super cute, this reminds of when my brother brought his umbrella cockatoo home and we were hand feeding her together. Per my experience, these guys start cuddly and if treated kindly, remain little cuddlers forever. My brothers has never bitten anyone and loves the attention. On the flip side, they are the loudest birds on the planet...lol. Majestic and beautiful though, they were why I fell in love with Parrots. Ultimately I settled on a Grey because they are more my personality and a cockatoo would not go over too well in my apartment building.


Love those pictures! Baby toos are so cute!

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Absolutely lovely! Congratulations on your new sweetheart and may you all have many years of love together. And "Bear and Bean" is too cute!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bean is so beautiful!!!


I have a too too...lol...and she does excellent in her cage all by herself and is not a screamer...well, sometimes she gets going...but that's just around my husband...(not sure why) we did what you're doing, I had to sit on my hands to not go get her in the beginning but it's so paid off... She's happy by herself and is on a schedule! Plus, Jasper is right there with her...(not in the same cage of course) she is actually alone most of the day and if I come in she's like, why are you in here?

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  • 1 month later...

My baby birds get a stuffed animal. Then when its old and ugly, i throw it out. Each bird gets its own stuffed animals. Right now "RUBY", my Vosmaeri Eclectus has a stuffed monkey... She cuddles it and sleeps quite well. She only crys for food. She gets pleanty of attention. Ruby is bearly getting her tail feathers and a few wing feathers... she's still a little black fluff ball. She's very cute!


Hunter had a stuffed lion...


Ill see about getting pictures of ruby with the monkey.

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