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An update...after being advised to rehome my bird


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Hi everyone,


I haven't been on here for a while. You may remember my posts. I rescued a baby African Grey from some bad conditions (16 weeks old eating nothing but porridge and being kept in a fish tank.) We run a game reserve in South Africa and work 3 weeks on one week off (if we actually get our time off, rarely) and I was basically told here that I should rehome my bird because of my working conditions. Despite the fact he comes to work with me for half the day every day, work is a 30 second walk from home, and I finish work at 3pm every day.

Needless to say I did not rehome my bird, I did state that there would be other people around him and taking care of him on our week off, but was basically told he wouldn't be happy and I should get rid of him.


Well I just wanted to update you that he is a very happy bird. Michael our chef and friend here takes care of him on our time off and he has known Bear since day 1 so sees him as part of the family. We have had no problems with him, he weaned himself fantasically, is perfectly happy and healthy and is already trying to talk, he can wolf whistle, make doggy noises and all sorts, loves cruising around on our shoulders, he is a cheeky happy little chap and certainly doens't worry about us going away, he accepts both myself, my boyfriend, Michael and our maid as his family and is never short of attention. He also comes down to work where guests pet him and hold him and he just loves it. And he LOVES LOVES kisses :rolleyes:


I also said in one of my posts that I was thinking of getting him a friend as extra company and someone to play with, again I was told this was not a good idea at all.

Well I judged him on his temperment and got him a ltitle sister, a baby Umbrella cockatoo..and he absolutely ADORES her. From the first second I let them meet he ws grooming her and playing with her. They are firm friends already and they chill ont he sofa together, he literally worships her. :) She wasn't as keen at first having enver seen antoher bird before, but after 1 minute of being groomed she decided she loved him too.


So yes, just wanted to let everyone know that I'm not some terrible cruel owner abandoning their birds and leaving them alone. Bear is only alone for about 3hrs of the day, and he does atually like to sleep in the afternoon too! We went away for 3 days recently and he didn't even realise we had gone because he had so much fun with his uncle Michael. It is possible to have a life and still have birds, mine are never short of love and attention and because we socialised our grey properly from the start he is accepting of new people, animals and generally just wants to play.


Here are some pics of Bear and the new addition Bean so you can see what I mean about them being happy! :cool:
















Bear is so funny, he grooms Bean then puts his head down for a head scratch from her, but she doesn't understand what he wants. So Bear is just following her randomly putting his head down after grooming her, so sweet to watch :)


Also a few pics of Bear growing up over the last few months:






Anyway I don't mean to offend or upset anybody but I actually wanted to say...see, I'm not a monster! :D:DAnimals are my life, hence us running a game reserve, Ive shipped my dogs half way around the world from England to be with me because I couldnt leave them, and have never sold or got rid of an animal in my life...so obv being told to get rid of a baby bird we rescued was really not nice for me, but as you can see, he is happy, we are definitely happy and it feels like he has always been here. :)

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Hi. I cant comment on your other posts and I dont know who or why you were advised to rehome your bird. I will say I as so so happy that things turned out so well. I also wish to thank you for posting such fantastic pictures and the update on Bear and his friend Bean. To me it sounds like they both have a fantastic life and lots of love and care . It sounds like you had a negative experiance when you asked for advise on Bean and I hope you dont let that put you off keeping us updated on your birds . I am facinated by your life on a reserve which must be so rewarding and I am sure you can be a really great and valuble member of our forum. Sheila xxx

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Yes it is possible to have a happy grey with your kind of schedule for you have worked to make it happen and that makes the difference, you wanted Bear in your life and you did what you had to fullfil his needs and yours too, I commend you for keeping him and making him so happy and it has made him a well adjusted grey who is very social with people.

On getting him some company you were lucky that Bear and Bean clicked with each other for it could have easily went the other way but I couldn't be more happy for the three of you, you are proof that if you want something badly enough then you can make it work for you and I am so glad, you are truly blessed.

Now that you are here why don't you stick around and indulge us with some more stories of Bear and Bean and thanks for sharing the pictures, they were meant to be together.

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Thanks for the update. Glad you are doing what is necessary to make sure that Bear is HAPPY. I do believe that we all gave you alot of INFO to think about and I'm glad that the outcome has been awesome. I wish you and BEAR continuous joy and happiness. We're all here for the BIRDS.

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Thanks so much for the nice responses. ;);)


I know everyone who voiced concerns did it with the best intentions, I just wanted everyone to see that everything is ok and he is a happy boy :)


In all honesty I just carried on with what I thought was best, which has turned out well. Yes indeed Bear may not have accepted Bean (the U2) so readily, however this is a risk anyone takes when taking on another bird, and after getting to know Bear for a few months we were pretty sure it would be fine, and thankfully it was.


We had a pair of Vosmaeri Eclectus with us for a few months and Bear was always dying to get near them, so we had a feeling he was keen for a friend :D


Anyway the great thing is Bean and Bear can now grow up together. I can't belive how much he adores her. I must try and upload some video's of them, it's so cute.


Thanks again for the positive feedback, as I said I just wanted you to know he is absolutely fine! I know everyone is an animal lover here and I'd hate to think people thought he had been passed around or wasn't being cared for properly.


It has amazed me how well behaved Bear is. He has been stepping up brilliantly from the 2nd day, he doesn't shout or cream..but is trying very hard to learn how to talk and do certain whistles now. It's hilarious watching him as he tries and tries, then gets frustrated and takes it out on his teddy on his playstand! It's incredible how good a mimic he is, we leave Animal Planet on for him when we go to work and the last 2 days he has been making sounds which can only be described as a whimpering dog and a chimpanzee! Maybe we should leave a different channel on for him haha. People are going to think we have half the reserve animals in our house :o

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What a GreYt update and lovely photos of Bear and Bean.


It is wonderful ro hear how Bear is interacted with by all there si a just one of the flock. :)


I hope you can update a little more often with photos and videos along with stories of whats happening there in they Greys homeland. :)

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Most of our birds aren't lucky enough to be raised by such a flock. Seems right that Bear & Bean should be happy & well adjusted with flock members who are logically even greater animal lovers & more knowledgeable about critters in their natural state, being connected to a game reserve. It may be hard for some of us in the concrete jungle to imagine your lifestyle. But it certainly seems to be working well for your fids.


Thanks, I enjoyed this & hope you post more. And Kura, my SI Eclectus. hopes you might post something about the Vos pair you spoke of, too.

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He's gorgeous! You've done well. Don't let other people tell you what you can/can't do. It's obvious that you love your little one and have taken steps to be great parront. On behalf of my neglected (if you ask them) fids, we send much love your way! Great work.

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What wonderful pictures! He looks so happy and content, which I am sure he is. it is always best to hear the advice you get, but ALWAYS follow your instincts. And in this case, I am glad you did! I am so happy for you and wish to hear and see more! Please don't be a stranger for so long. You are a valued member of our family and we want to hear more! :)

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