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Is it ok to let my AG fight with her toy?

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I have a toy that is usually inside her cage, but she doesnt play with it, so i hung it from the ladders on her playtop where she usually spends time, the toy is just 5 small wood beads and a medium size plastic ball with a noise thingamajig inside.....well she will get the ball with a foot and chew on it, and rub it on her face and neck as she does with most things even food, she has a habit of rubbing them on her neck.....but thats not the issue, she will start striking the ball repeatedly as if she were fighting with it, then suddenly she will grab it and play with it, then she lets go, ad moments later she will attack it again, its super funny to watch, but wondering if this is ok to let her do it.


She does the same thing to paper towels or toilet paper if she sees me try to clean anything near her with it, she will attack it and take a piece and play with it or shred it.


If I try to touch her beak when she's like this she's fine with me, its the paper or this toy she does this with.


there is a toy that came with her, that every night on her way to where she sleep in her cage, she will go buy this other toy and strike it once and keep going about her business, she doesnt fight with it, but its ritual every night she does it because i hear the bell ring and ive watched her do it.

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I think they like to play "tough guy" with their toys, sometimes. Brutus doesn't attack any of the stuff in his cage; but sometimes I will let him play on my computer desk, and he loves to violently attack and throw things like my keys, pens, my wallet, etc.

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My grey Josey does that play fight with her heavy duty bell, she will bang it around like she is trying to tear it apart and make all kinds of noise doing it, I love to watch her when she does it, this is all normal behavior, they like things that make noise and who knows it may be their way of working out frustrations.

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Kya loves to hang upside down on her ball and wings full out making lots of noise lol it is fun to watch. Now my hahns if i put him on the floor and add a waffle ball he goes mad and mean lol runs at it throwing it up in to the air.

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