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danmcq wrote:

I wish I was the Long Haired Guy on the Island ;-)


You are made the long-haired guy on the island, but because the islanders are now encased in lava, it is decided to appease their angry souls by giving each of them a piece of you. You are sliced in an industrial ham slicer into thousands upon thousands of rounds, each no more than a half-millimetre thick.


On seeing the desolated island, I wish I could make it all better.

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You finally get your wish to go to Africa.. You plane encounters engine trouble and begins a spiral death plunged.. You make your way to the top of the tail section with moves you saw on some James Bond movie.. Just as the plane is about to crash to the ground you jump up in the air to cushion the impact on yourself. ( yeah I know that doesn't work for real but this is a internet forum where anything is possible) You survive the crash but are LOST on a tiny island all by yourself.


I wish is lived closer to the ones I love.

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Your dream comes true and you rally all us Forumites to start a new City Called GreyForums Ville. WE all live there in the wire mesh encapsulated City which allows us to all free fly our Greys and never clip again BUT.....The Forum Gods become angered at the lack of posts! WE all commune together and talk, dine and call each other and quit posting. The Forum Gods direct a huge Meteor at Greyforums Ville that leaves a magnificent Crater where our City and all forumites once walked and lived.


I wish I could find a way off the Island and finally reach Cameroon to study the Grey's.

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A nice man with a boat comes to rescue you and take you to Cameroon, but before he lets you off board, he erases your memory and you can't figure out why you're in Cameroon in the first place.



I wish I could meet an elephant.

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A zoo keeper was walking towards you with and elephant for you to meet.A little mouse crosses the elephants path and scares the elephant away before you get a chance to meet him.


I wish I can ride on the back of a killer whale.

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But the back of the whale is slippery and the whale moves around so quickly that you slide off and a shark comes by and spots lunch, which is you, and I don't have to spell it out do I, we all know what is next.


I wish I was back on that tropical island with a handsome hunk by my side.

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Guest briansmum

ok, so you're on the island and just as you and your hunk are going to run loving into eachothers arms, a tidal wave comes and washes him away.. aaaaw


i wish i was a kid again.

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Guest briansmum

an now the forum is over run and you spend that much time moderating poor dayo misses his daddy


i wish i could fly!!!

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Oh, that wish is already true! But, since you want to be on an Island, there is no Internet connection and sadly, you can no longer post on the forum :-(


I wish, I could travel around the seas on a huge Yacht with my Wife and Dayo.

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Oh, but you get put back into the bottle for another 1000 tears due to your naughty and tricky behaviour in granting wishes for yourself.


I wish I was in Monterey right now, watching the Ocean while sipping a a hot b52 coffee.

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Ok, your got your Island with a (short) 6 foot hunk of Man, but the problem is, he was 6.5 feet tall and his head was lopped off by local natives. So, it is truly just a hunk a man......


I would like to visit Antarctica and view the emperor penguins yearly breeding trek.

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