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Your cruise could easily be blighted by melting icebergs and pack ice and, leaning overboard to look closely at something that catches your eye, you might slip and fall into the jaws of a waiting shark, such as the killer whale.


I often dream of a hidden room in my family home, but I've never worked out what it is. It is my dream to find the hidden room and all it contains.

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The hidden room turns out to be an old basement long abandoned, filled with nothing but Moss and in-grown tree roots.


I would like to live high in the Sierra Mountains, near a Clear pristine lake at 10,000 feet and not see other humans unless I desire to go down for some entertainment.

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Oh, Tari, it's dreadful. You end up in a lean-to at the foot of Mount Terror on the Antarctic continent. You passport has been revoked and you are forced to subsist on penguin jerky and ice water.


I dream of a life on the ocean wave, my parrot on my shoulder and, mysteriously, NO wooden limbs.

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Uh Oh, here comes Moby Dick and you now have a wooden leg and to top it off, your Parrot lost balance during the attack and put your eye out. So you also wear an eye patch :-)


I want to go to the Bahama's for a 30 day vacation with wife and Dayo..Pina Colada's, kick a little sand dancing in the moonlight and just relaxing.

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But your wife leaves you and takes Dayo with her, you go to the Bahamas alone, but there is a tidal wave that washes the sand away and you are left with nothing to relax on and no coconuts so therefore no pina coladas.


I want love, more love and everlasting love.

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