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You wake up on a beautiful sunny morning on your 36' yacht. Your loved one presents you with a beautiful breakfast tray filled with your favourite treats. In a tiny cut glass vase is a perfectly formed red rose. After eating your meal you dress and go on deck to find yoursel approaching a strange looking bridge.

As you pass under the bridge everything seems to go into slow motion and you find yourself stood on the river bank watching a paper yacht sail away. One magic bridge in the whole world.....and you have to find it!!!



I wish I could eat chocolate without my clothes shrinking.

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Flash all chocolate now has a new ingredient which causes the chocolate eater to shrink in height by 1' for each bite. Unfortunately you did not read the warning on your chocolate bar and you didn't notice the shrinkage until you were almost finished eating the whole chocolate bar, and to top it off, no one could hear you shouting not to step on you as you scrambled to keep from being trampled to death!!!



I wish I could paint beautiful oil paint landscapes.

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You just inish what you consider to be your best oil painting ever. It is a landscape, with a little dog standing by a cart. You are so thrilled that you call a dealer immediately to ask if he will display it for you.

Along comes the dealer and suddenly life takes on a cruel turn. He says that it is an exact replica of a Constable and you are dragged off to the local police station and accused of forgery........you are sent up the river for a 5 year stretch!!!



I wish I could grow prize winning vegetables.

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You use mega amounts of fertilizer and hormones to grow gigantic tomatoes, beans, squash, cucumbers and eggplants. You enter your vegetables in the country fair and win 1st place. Everyone wants to buy your prize winning vegetables and you get double top dollar, unfortunately when people eat your vegetables they too grow gigantic and a mob of angry gigantic people run you out of town to be seen no more.


I wish I could win the Miss Universe Contest.

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You are on stage and the crowd is roaring. They are chanting your name. 'Luvparrots........Luvparrots'. You await the anouncement......In 3rd place......Baxtersmom.........in 2nd place.....Judygram......and Miss Universe 2009 is the one and only Luvparrots!!!! The crowds roar even louder. You walk to the throne and as you sit down, the throne collapses and you are unlucky enough to damage your ego so badly that you bounce off the stage and Judygram is declared the winner by default.




I wish someone else would cook dinner one night.

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Your new neighbor Helga invites you and your husband over for dinner, she is attending culinary school and wants you and your husband's opinion on her cooking skills. You tell your hubby that you want and need this day off from cooking and your loving hubby reluctantly agrees to go with you BUT he marvelous a little too much at Helga's great cooking, her great baking and her great body, he can't keep his eyes off of her cooking attire, a string bikini which she says helps keep her cool while working over a hot stove. The dinner is great but unfortunately although you beg off "imposing" on your new next door neighbor your husband continues to go over nightly to test her cooking out. You wonder why hubby is getting more buff and not more chubby with all the food testing and you start to wonder exacting what Helga is "cooking up"!!!!!



I wish I were going on a ship cruise.<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/04/06 00:54

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You have looked forward to your mediteranean cruise for months. You arrive at the cruise terminal and quickly get checked in. You arrive at your cabin and it is beautiful. The ship leaves it's birth and is out in the atlantic. Suddenly there is a rapping on your cabin door. The purser is stood there with two irrate passengers. It appears that the cabin in fact belongs to them. When the purser checks your tickets, he realises that they are forgeries. The agent that sold them to you was a con man. The purser is a little sorry for you but says you should use a reputable agent. He says that you can stay but you must go to other accomodation. He escorts you and your luggage to one of the lifeboats. You are put down and spend the rest of the cruise being towed behind the main ship!!



I wish there was something decent to watch on TV.

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Finally you are thrilled to death, all television is now very decent. Unfortunately no one else enjoys all those propriety, good taste, morality, modestly clothed and free from obscenity decent shows and you have to watch them alone as everyone else is going to the cinema to see the good stuff!!!




I wish I could scuba diving in the ocean without the need of an air tank.<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/04/06 23:53

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It's a beautiful sunny day and you are stood on the beach waiting to go scuba diving. You are just abouit to connect your air tank when this strange man comes across and tells you that you won't need an air tank as in this area there is a special plant that creates s much air that you can breath quite easily.

You jump in and dive straight under the water. after a couple of minutes you see these baeutiful plants giving out large air bubbles. You decide to go closer to get a good look at them. As you get with reach of the plant it grabs you and eats you.......oh dear, he forgot to tell you the plant needs protein to produce the air.



I wish my neighbors would stop lighting bonfires on sunny days

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Ahhhhh, your wish has been granted!! Your neighbors no longer make daylight bonfires, UNFORTUNATELY, they have started to have campouts in their backyard in front of your bedroom window and the sing along with their 36 visiting relatives goes on until daybreak every single night!!!!



I wish I had a rock garden yard instead of a lawn.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After a really busy day, you head up stairs to your bed. You have been to a garden centre and been fantasising about having all the plants in a lovely rock garden instead of your boring lawn. You drift off to sleep and dream of your fantasy garden. Next morning, you wake feeling refreshed but are surprised at how dark it is in your room. You head downstairs and open the back door only to find that your wish has been granted big time......I mean BIG BIG BIG!! You have to get mountaineering equipment to climb to the top of your garden.........oh dear, not quite what you envisioned.




I wish the apple blossom would stay on my tree longer.

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Be careful what you wish for. As spring goes on you notice that you still have apple blossoms and at the beginning of summer apple blossoms still abound, you are delighted. But as summer goes on and fall comes, there are no candy apples at the fair or on Halloween no apples to dunk, and no grandma's apple pies for Thanksgiving and no apples in your kid's stocking at Christmas. People start to picket your home because without the apple a day to keep the doctor away they are all sick, your children get all F from their teachers because they have not received that apple from teacher's pet, and its all your fault because your wish inexplicably expanded itself and unfortunately it covered all apple trees and you are in deep poopoo with everyone!!!!



I wish I could make everyone happy!

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You could if you stopped corrupting everybody's dreams!!!!.......rofl


One day you awake to find that your wish has been granted. You go downstairs and your feathered friend is laughing so much he falls off his perch. Your other half can't stop laughing and eventually there is a puddle all the way tothe bathroom...which you have to clear up!! You drive to your local market and the staff and customers are so busy laughing that they are not able to serve you, so you return home with no food. You put your favourite TV show on and guess what......they are all laughing....too happy to produce your show. You now go to bed with a terrible headache........not that good was it?



I wish there was no football!!

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Football is ban everywhere in the US. All American football fans are devastated. But then as the Beatles came to the rescue when the US was tired of the same old songs way back when, Rugby was introduced into the USA and all was saved!!!!


I wish I had a lobster dinner just waiting for me to eat it!

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You arrive home from work. there on the table is the most beautiful lobster you ever saw. It has been cooked to perfection and the table set up with candles and flowers. Just as you are about to sit down and eat it, the door bell rings and you just know you have to answer it or you will not be able to relax. It turns out to be a neighbour who has vistors and wants to borrow some milk.

You rush to the fridge with only one thought on your mind.........luscious lobster. As you are passing back past the kitchen window, you see next door's cat running across the lawn with something in his mouth...your heart races and you rush to the table. OH NO!!! you left the front door open and the cat is now dining on your beautiful lobster.


I wish people would stop dropping litter in the street.

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You are so fed up with all the litter in the streets that you go to the City Council and demand an ordinance be passed that forbids the dropping of litter in the street. The offense of which would carry a fine of $1000 per piece of litter to be paid by the culprit dropper. The whole town is so mad at you that they all gather together all their week's debris and in the middle of the night while you are sleeping drop it all on your lawn and in your flowers and shrubs!!!!



I wish I could take a nap.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You are really tired. All you can think about the whole day long is getting home to take a nap. You get to your front door and can feel your eyes closing. You must get a nap as your best friend is taking you to a show tonight. You have waited to see this show for months and are really excited. Just as you drop into the chair and close your eyes the phone rings. You answer it and get ready to snooze again. Low and behold, the doorbell rings. You answer it and convince the man you don't need new windows. You are exhausted and finally fall asleep in the chair.


You wake up and it is 10pm........oh no, youhave missed the show and will never see it as it's the last night.



I wish it would stop raining!!

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Oh be careful what you wish for!!! The rain stops and a horrific drought sets in. All rivers, lakes and oceans totally dry up. As zombie like people come toward you to drain your blood of the last fluid on earth, you spot an Aladdin's lamp and rub it for one last wish! That it . . . .



I wish I could talk to the animals.

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Well, you are off to work. As you pass a neighbour walking her dog, you hear a little voice saying 'oh my god.......what is she wearing today?'. You turn suddenly only to realise that it was a male voice and there is not a man in sight. You carry on along the road and hear ' OK my friends......who gets the poopy laugh today?' As you look up.......you guessed it....straight in the eye.

You carry on home, thinking you may be losing your mind. As you walk into the house, Anna Gray says' Oh no......she's home already. Now I have to start cooing and being nice to her'. All the time you thought she was pleased to see you. You can't stand the thought of her not liking you so you go up to bed and fall into a fitful sleep. When you wake, you realise it was just a bad dream and she really does love you!



I wish the heron would stop stealing the fish from my pond!

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It's summer and so dry and very hot. So hot your pond dries up and you get sunburned every time you walk out the door. Finally winter comes and with it the merciful rain, but much to your dismay the pond is now on your neighbor's property and he put up No Trespassing signs and refuses to let you the neighborhood bird lover come over to see the herons or other wild birds who frequent a pond. So sad!!!!



I wish I had a pond!

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  • 3 weeks later...

You go to bed and you are thinking how nice it would be to have a fish pond in your garden. You drift off to sleep, waking to this crazy noise. You look out of your bedroom window and see that your whole garden has become a huge fish pond. You cannot believe your eyes.....or your ears.

There are hundreds of frogs, toads, birds, voles, otters...every type of pond creature you could imagine. The volume of noise was almost more than you culd stand. You hear a police siren coming along the road and find that the neighbours have complained and you are carted off to the local police station and charged with disturbing the peace!


I wish pretty flowers didn't die.

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You are amazed and delighted that all the pretty flowers in the world do not die. BUT the flower industry is up in arms and looking for your head as no one needs to buy bouquets of roses or flower arrangements because now that pretty flowers never die no one needs new ones. Husbands are at a loss of what to buy their wives as forgive me gifts. Life has gotten much more expensive for all the people in the world who need forgiveness and use to give flowers. You are in deep poo poo all around!!!!


I wish we could have a GreyForum conference!

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Everyone on the forum decides that it is time they met. After long discussion we decide on a time and a place to meet. We all decide that we have to bring our feathered friends along as well and we are all thriloled as we get on so well together.

The great day arrives and one by one we arrive at the venue. Things seem to be going swimmingly, but suddenly you hear an argument on the other side of the room.

Baxter'smom and Judygram are arguing over who has the best looking grey.......everyone starts to put in their opinion and before you know it there is a terribble argument going on. Food is being thrown and Toni gets caught with a jelly. Dave looks good wearing a quiche and luvparrots seems to have a cucumber in some oriface or other..........


Maybe we should just carry on talking!!!!



I wish I could take my computer when I work away.

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You get a memo saying that all employees are welcome to take their computers home whenever they want. You are elated and quickly gather up your work computer. At home you excitedly plug the computer in and find much to your dismay that it is programmed only to your office and all you can do on it is work related to your job!!!


I wish I was queen for a day.

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