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Hello everyone!

My name is Steve and my 11 y/o CAG is Nikki. I have had my grey for about a month now and I have a few questions... First of all I LOVE MY BIRD! She is so loving and smart!


1) She sits around all day (climbs around every once in a while, hangs upside down...) She talks a lot too but was wondering if this is normal. I have a friend that has a grey and climbs around like it is his job. Nikki does not have very strong legs and I have been working on her leg strength with twisty perches.

2) Her previous owner let her walk around on the ground a lot and some of her claws curl almost into her toes. Is this normal and will they start growing straight with her new perch?

3) SHE IS SO SMALL!!!! Take a look at this picture... and let me know if this is normal? I was looking around at everyone else's parrots and mine is so much smaller than the other birds....

Thanks everyone!

-Steve DSC_0193.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: sfef84, at: 2007/08/10 03:44


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Welcome to the forum. I think you will love it here.


It sounds to me like your Grey needs his nails clipped really bad.. The nails shouldn't curl like you describe.


Without knowing what kind of life your bird has lived in the last 11 years it's hard to know whether or not it's behavior is normal or not. Based on the fact that it's nails as so over grown I would bet that your bird wasn't cared for very well.. I think you should start with a complete vet checkup.. Take it from there..

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Hello, Steve, and welcome to the family, we are glad you joined and looking forward to hearing more about Nikki.


It sounds like she needs a nail trim very badly, they should not be that long, a vet visit is in order like CD suggested.


She does not look that small from the photo you posted, what does she weigh in grams, that is the true test?

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Hi Steve, and Welcome to our family. You have a very pretty bird. She looks to be about the right size, but you do need a scale to weigh her. Please do take Judy & CD's advice and have a check up done. If nothing else, she needs her nails trimmed by a vet. It's very uncomfortable for them when their nails are too long. I'll bet her feet bother her somewhat. Please keep us posted, and I look forward to hearing more about you and Nikki! :)

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Welcome sfef84, I hope you will enjoy it here :)


To me either, your bird doesn't look too small. but photos don't always portray exact sizes (at least the impressions0

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Welcome Steve!


It sounds like you have received good advice from some of our resident experts.


You mention her leg strength is weak, could you explain why you think that?


It is possible, that her claws are wrapped under and making it difficult and painful to walk, much less do much climbing or hanging upside down.


After a vet check up, claw trim and perhaps a change in diet, you may see a very active Grey come to life :-)

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Id take her to the vet and have them nails trimmed. The reason I suggest a vet instead of doing them yourself is they are going to need a major trim and more then likely this well get the quick and cause bleeding. Besides she/he needs a trip to vet anyway. All new birds should go to the vet within a few days for a new bird check up.

Also I would not allow the bird on the floor unless the dog is put up. I know your dog looks like he would not hurt a fly but dog saliva kills and all it take is once for it to happen.


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Thanks for all of the replies! Her nails are not long at all but they curl in (?)

I think that her legs are weak because when she steps up on my fingers she always grabs my fingers with her beak for support. DSC_0244.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: sfef84, at: 2007/08/10 20:18


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I have a question.... My girlfriend brought her grey over and does not know its sex. I know there is no way to tell without a DNA test but after doing some research we were watching a youtube video about "mating dances" of greys and some of the actions and sounds coming from the female sounds exactly like my gf's grey. They had always thought it was a male... The sounds I am talking about are similar to a wimper and the actions are spreading wings to cover your hand. Thanks!!

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Welcome to our bird brain family. You will learn alot here. As for the DNA if you look through some of the threads you will notice that some birds were thought to being one gender and here it was another because their owners were going by.. example, The eyes, the head. Im going w/ Judy no sure way unless its DNA.

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