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Nobody has the right to demand withdrawal from our community. I don't agree with the way things have been handled, but you do not have the right to demand the resignation of a member. I know you are very passionate about Isaac, and posts like this obviously do upset you - but I would be more in favour of supporting this lady in KEEPING Meggie, problems that she will encounter and all.


You are actually in the same position as this lady - you haven't stepped into the "unknown" yet - Isaac is still that cute little furball - the fun hasn't started yet. I await the developmental process with interest........!

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Honestly Elvenking was just expressing that if Maggie was soon gotten rid of too with no regards to her then he didn't want to hear it. It just makes us sad and angry. If excel wanted any help with Maggie at all and asked I think everyone would jump in to keep both Maggie and Xcel happily living together :) that was probably the wrong choice of words for Elvenking but he means well. Nobody wants to hear of birds being mistreated with no regard to them...


I hope Xcel will now give all his love and patience to Maggie and not worry about another bird :)

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Hi Jess - It's all well and good that you are sticking up for Elvenking - but his exact words were informing excel to resign as a member! This is what isn't acceptable - not the fact that he doesn't want to hear it. Nobody wants to hear this, but unfortunately it's the way of the world. :)

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I think we should all simmer down a bit.


Jay is quite right in what he has said as is Jill. Even if this person has made a huge mistake, hopefully she has learned from it. I think we all learn as we go along but hopefully most of us do research before taking on a parrot. Personally I don't think parrots of any type work in a house with young children, they simply do not mix. IMO macaws are not a beginner's parrot anyway, they are (mostly) large and very demanding, they have huge personalities and they like being boss. You have to be confident around them and they're not for the faint-hearted. Hopefully this lady has learnt from this but as Jill says she deserves to be treated with a little respect on the forum even if we do find some of what she is saying upsetting.

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I think we should all simmer down a bit.


I'm not simmering, just on a "slow cook" :) Sorry, but I don't tolerate bullying in any form, being it kids, workplace or even cyberspace - because I feel that this is what this post nearly became!


What Julie hasn't mentioned is her own personal triumph with her Hahn's Macaw (adopted) Beau. Beau was indeed testy and tried his luck - but with time, patience and love - and a whole lot of effort, she has herself a lovely little birdie. So, indeed it can be done.


I do hope that xcel does continue to use this forum ~ and that this thread has not driven her away :( and she certainly does have her "right to reply" :)

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I'm not simmering, just on a "slow cook" :) Sorry, but I don't tolerate bullying in any form, being it kids, workplace or even cyberspace - because I feel that this is what this post nearly became!


What Julie hasn't mentioned is her own personal triumph with her Hahn's Macaw (adopted) Beau. Beau was indeed testy and tried his luck - but with time, patience and love - and a whole lot of effort, she has herself a lovely little birdie. So, indeed it can be done.


I do hope that xcel does continue to use this forum ~ and that this thread has not driven her away :( and she certainly does have her "right to reply" :)


I'm the same, hate bullying. I'm sure we have scared this lady away with our comments, well some of them. I hope not because she obviously could do with the advice and guidance.


Yes Jill hindsight is a wonderful thing. Looking lack I was a little inexperienced when we got Argyle our hahns. He may be small but no one had told him apparently. He is a small bird with a big, bold personality and it is only because I'm also strong willed and wasn't going to be beat by him that I coped - I was VERY close to getting him clipped but still he thinks he is the boss in this houselold, I allow him that little thought ;-) Macaws and young children though - forget it! Two severe's?, Definately not to be taken lightly - by anyone in any situation let alone a beginner!

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I would imagine large macaws to have the same bold personalities though Jay. The little ones are a big bird wrapped up in a small body. Of course never having had a large macaw I may be wrong, they could be little cuddle muffins. To me small beaks are far more deadly than big ones though.

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Goodness...you just never know what is going to push peoples buttons. I would say that those who responded so negatively to my post got the worng idea and would like some drama. I mertely do not want to hear about rehoming bird due to being a moron. Sorry, that is my opinion and I stick to it. And regardless of where you thinkI am with my bird, I at least understand I have made a commitment and will stick to it. Sorry if I offended you. Jeez..sometimes I don't know what gets into people on this forum.


If that was bullying, I think we need to grow some skin. You all are stirring up waayyyy too much over my post. In addition, I do not think my 'suggestion' was such a bad one given the way we all lit him up for rehoming the Macaws in what...a day?


"A witch...a witch!!" Sound familiar?

Edited by Elvenking
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I would imagine large macaws to have the same bold personalities though Jay. The little ones are a big bird wrapped up in a small body. Of course never having had a large macaw I may be wrong, they could be little cuddle muffins. To me small beaks are far more deadly than big ones though.

http://www.avianweb.com/severemacaw.html The Severe is on of the better Macaws to own, this last year we raised 3 Macaws, plus socialized 2 Hyacinthie,,a green wing etc...I would much rather work with a mini then a large. A large doesn't bite, they snack!!!!!! Comparing beaks, a mini is a paring knife, a large is a meat cleaver!!!! I love them, ask tycos-mom... Jayd

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http://www.avianweb.com/severemacaw.html The Severe is on of the better Macaws to own, this last year we raised 3 Macaws, plus socialized 2 Hyacinthie,,a green wing etc...I would much rather work with a mini then a large. A large doesn't bite, they snack!!!!!! Comparing beaks, a mini is a paring knife, a large is a meat cleaver!!!! I love them, ask tycos-mom... Jayd


Jay, compared to Beau my CAG, Argyle's beak is deadly lol. Beau's is more likened to a clamp, Argyle's on the other hand...well I'll say no more. You have to love 'em I agree.

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I'm not going to point fingers...but isn't bullying the same thing that some of you are doing to Elvenking. If his post was read right, you should clearly see that it wasn't a "DEMAND". He did not bully him/her to leave! Everyone here is entitled to their opinion and comments, and they already put an ad out on Craigslist to re-home the birds...his choice was made, leave it be!

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Goodness...you just never know what is going to push peoples buttons. I would say that those who responded so negatively to my post got the worng idea and would like some drama. I mertely do not want to hear about rehoming bird due to being a moron. Sorry, that is my opinion and I stick to it. And regardless of where you thinkI am with my bird, I at least understand I have made a commitment and will stick to it. Sorry if I offended you. Jeez..sometimes I don't know what gets into people on this forum.


If that was bullying, I think we need to grow some skin. You all are stirring up waayyyy too much over my post.


"A witch...a witch!!" Sound familiar?


The simple solution I've mentioned before is, if you don't like a post, don't read it, don't give your 2 cents, don't critize "Grammer, spelling,etc". "What get's into people" is attitude!!!! In the last couple of weeks I've seen new/young members act like they know everything and show disrespect to some of the most knowledgeable bird people on earth, your post is a good example, I've been polite up till now, but "Respect earns Respect!!!!", Elvenking, it's not what you say but how you say it. If you don't know, or don't enjoy a thread, ignore it!!!! To every one: This is your forums, use it, don't destroy it, think of others, THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK!!!!!! The Grey't people of this forums deserve much more. Jayd

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Jay, compared to Beau my CAG, Argyle's beak is deadly lol. Beau's is more likened to a clamp, Argyle's on the other hand...well I'll say no more. You have to love 'em I agree.

I agree, the two Hyacinthie I worked with were Gentle Giants, a Ruby would go for your nose as look at you,or any other meat it could find, and the noises of them all, a Green-Wing, never made a scream....Each they're own...I love 'em Jayd

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The simple solution I've mentioned before is, if you don't like a post, don't read it, don't give your 2 cents, don't critize "Grammer, spelling,etc". "What get's into people" is attitude!!!! In the last couple of weeks I've seen new/young members act like they know everything and show disrespect to some of the most knowledgeable bird people on earth, your post is a good example, I've been polite up till now, but "Respect earns Respect!!!!", Elvenking, it's not what you say but how you say it. If you don't know, or don't enjoy a thread, ignore it!!!! To every one: This is your forums, use it, don't destroy it, think of others, THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK!!!!!! The Grey't people of this forums deserve much more. Jayd


With the way you lit the guy up for rehoming the macaws, I find it most amazing that you took such offense to my suggestion. I didn't feel like I disrespected anyone with my post, and you knwo why...because I didn't. No more than you did with your repeated posts flaming the guy about rehoming the macaws. Along with others. Maybe you should go back and read them. I merely took it one step further to say that if he would be rehoming his grey anytime soon, associating with this community and posting here about it would not be welcomed. If that is a stretch...then I am sorry. However, to wake up to the big witch hunt that went on over night was unreal. You guys want drama? Well here ya go. I was willing to leave it alone after your posts JayD, but the rest were just rediculous and uncalled for. You want to take shots at me and tell me that I am some kind of bully and say that I don't know about my bird and my commitment to him...you are going to get my attention.


"In the last couple of weeks I've seen new/young members act like they know everything and show disrespect to some of the most knowledgeable bird people on earth, your post is a good example"


What? Now this doesn't even make sense. In fact, I thought I was actually backing up what you said regarding rehoming birds. Why do you carry on with this if you want it to stop. Jeez.

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With the way you lit the guy up for rehoming the macaws, I find it most amazing that you took such offense to my suggestion. I didn't feel like I disrespected anyone with my post, and you knwo why...because I didn't. No more than you did with your repeated posts flaming the guy about rehoming the macaws. Along with others. Maybe you should go back and read them. I merely took it one step further to say that if he would be rehoming his grey anytime soon, associating with this community and posting here about it would not be welcomed. If that is a stretch...then I am sorry. However, to wake up to the big witch hunt that went on over night was unreal. You guys want drama? Well here ya go. I was willing to leave it alone after your posts JayD, but the rest were just rediculous and uncalled for. You want to take shots at me and tell me that I am some kind of bully and say that I don't know about my bird and my commitment to him...you are going to get my attention.


"In the last couple of weeks I've seen new/young members act like they know everything and show disrespect to some of the most knowledgeable bird people on earth, your post is a good example"


What? Now this doesn't even make sense. In fact, I thought I was actually backing up what you said regarding rehoming birds. Why do you carry on with this if you want it to stop. Jeez.

Your right!!!!, I was completely wrong in all I said, You win, You have the last word on this thread. I bow down to you....Your correct in all you've said..... Jayd

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I think our passion for these wondefulr birds has spilled over into our way of responding to each other. Perhaps we can agree that we all want what is best for the birds involved and are hoping for the best outcome for them. Educating those that require some illumination is part of my mantra and I know that I do not have all the answers but that is one of the many reasons I am here. We each have our own strengths and experiences and tolerance levels and I respect that in all of you. I know we can get past this little dispute and all play nicely again without worry. The problem with the written word is that you miss any nuances and some times the entire gist of the thing with out voice tone and facial exspression so it is easy to misunderstand some times or take things perhaps more harshly than they were intended.

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Your right!!!!, I was completely wrong in all I said, You win, You have the last word on this thread. I bow down to you....Your correct in all you've said..... Jayd


LOL...Okay...I had to laugh at that one. I don't win. Okay..we can all go back to being nice now. Cheers. JayD, you are a great guy, and this all got out of hand.

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Greywings, you summed this up well, the written word often gets misinterpritated (if that's the correct spelling lol) and we do get over protective of our feathered friends, at the end of the day we all want what's best for them.


Thank you for your common sense post Greywings.

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The problem with the written word is that you miss any nuances and some times the entire gist of the thing with out voice tone and facial exspression so it is easy to misunderstand some times or take things perhaps more harshly than they were intended.

Very good post, I agree with it completely except for this last part. I feel that if this were true, there would be no poetry, no Moby Dick, or even newspapers. Please don't take this wrong.


I think maybe I'm going to stick to my "Amazon Room" for a while, let Maggie and Spock write their story's, I'm tired. It seems that people are reading only the parts they want to read, not the whole thread or post, in turn not receiving the whole meaning. There is someone here, at all times , that can answer any question! Be it Dan or Dave or Judy, luvparrots, or Elvenking and all the rest[Jilly], no disrespect if I didn't mention a name, the list is long. This forum is a gateway to knowledge....Use it wisely! My PM is shut down, so I'll talk to you all Later. Luv you all Jayd

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