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New Addition to my Flock

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Yesterday I had looked into a ducorps cockatoo, turned it down.


Today I found on craigs a pair (male & fem) of Severe Macaws, 5yrs old each, were hand fed, they say a few words, are friendly, but both need to be together, they have this intense love for each other, they cannot be apart.


Here's some photos of them: http://picasaweb.google.com/abcogroup1/SevereMacaws#


Fortunately I was able to have them step up, shoulder, and they even let me touch them, which I havent been able to do with my TAG, although the female if she doesnt want to be touched she will give a minor vocal warning, which I didnt know when what it meant when I was at the previous owners house and she surprised me and got my finger really fast, freaked me out, but she did not even put any pressure so I'm glad...the owner says that is as far as she will go, and the male will do it, but instead of latching on he strikes but only to bump you with the outside of his beak.....but they still let you touch them for the most part.....I'm so excited with my new friends.


They are so beautiful, and adorable....I'm so glad I got them.....but my TAG Meggie is still my #1, I have them about 3ft away from each other, she seems to be doing fine.


I'll still take her in the mornings with me to my office so she spends more time with me.


Anyways, i was excited, thought i'd share. :cool:

Edited by xcelprinting.com
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Thanks everyone, the names they had I can't say I like very much, but wont change it on them, the male Scooter, the female Hooter.


Its funny while I was at the sellers house although slightly reluctant, they did both step up, and both shouldered, owners said they absolutely do not scream, unless they are seprated they will scream (eerily) for each other....I figured I could deal with that as I would always have them together, if you shoulder one you have to shoulder both....no problem......well once setup here, they will not step up now, they move away from me, and the male a few sporadic times began screaming non stop, while i was in the living room, and even when i was out of sight, weird, and boy is it a loud scream, I know it will definetly terrify my son when he comes over tomorrow if they repeat this.


Hopefully it was just a sign of being upset, and will wear off, because I was told they are not screamers at all, by the previous owners.....so Im hoping it will not reoccur tomorrow once they realize this is their new home, and hopefully loosen up and step up, because they sure were fun while i was at their previous home, playing silly, they did let me touch them without incident.

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I didn't know adapting would be this difficult, just this morning I was talking to them and he starting screaming again, same thing last night....I'm afraid to open their cage and let them out because at night i had to put most the lights out for them to go back in, and I know my son will be terrified today when he comes over and hears that scream, he's like that, plus it will scare the living daylights out of him.


I'm going to stop looking in Craigslist, I thought maybe I could get lucky and find another bird like my TAG, she's only been with me a week and a half, yet she's such a sweetheart....I may have to either get these birds back to their previous owner, although they are moving up north in a week, so they themselves would be finding these birds a new home, I've gone ahead in the meantime as the days go by to see if they dont do that anymore, and placed an ad on craigs......thats it, after these i am seriosuly, 100% done and just giving my Meggie undevided attention.

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In the last couple of weeks on the forums, a number of threads and posts have been about "getting new birds" or re-homing new birds....It's the birds who suffer when we return them, like returning a can of peas to Walmart!!!!! It's just wrong!!Doesn't anyone realize how much they suffer when we do this!!! "I know my son will be terrified today when he comes over and hears that scream, he's like that, plus it will scare the living daylights out of him." All birds scream!!! "I'm going to stop looking in Craigslist,"---"placed an ad on craigs....." In the same sentence" If you want to see sad, come over to my house and see what happens to "Returned Birds", Let me tell you, you TAG, has been with you 1 week. the baby hasn't even unpacked her bags yet.


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Why did you feel you needed another bird so quickly after getting Meggie anyway? I understand that we all love birds, that is why we are here - but to foster two such demanding birds and then give them back is cruel - why would your son be "scared" of a scream? Unless he has some medical condition (such as autism or Asperger's etc) I can't see why the "scream" can't be explained. I owned a cockatiel for 17 years - little bird, screamed like a girl on a roller coaster, but it is just something I had to put up with.


If you have only had Meggie such a short time, Meggie hasn't even started to develop in character and component - you might decide you don't like Meggie's chewing, pooping, squawking, talking, diving etc etc. The list goes on!


In essence, these birds aren't like a cheap suit - you can't take it back when you get sick of it, or it does something you don't want it to - jeez, Harvey would have been back with the breeder 20 minutes after coming home had that been the case (and a zillion times in the ad mag since)!


You have to accept that you are either a solid, good bird owner or not - they come, warts and all - and aren't that "chirpy, talky" thing all of the time. This is so, so sad - please, please reconsider you actions.

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Well, in anycase its previous owners were moving out of state in a week so they were going to be rehomed. I have a couple of interested parties who I've screened as good home.


My son is 4yrs old, when I had the quaker and the quaker screamed it startled my son, and it was ear piercing scream for a little quaker, these macaws dont have just an ear piercing scream, they sound like a Taredactyl, not like I ever heard one, but you know what I mean, its a morbid, eery scream, not a regular parrot call....and it scared the crap out of me when i was just standing there and they did it, i can imagine my son in front of the cage tryung to alk to them and get that in his face.....I care more for my son, and dont want his heart to jump out of his chest, plus it will make him think all birds are like that affecting him on how he trusts Meggie.


These birds are not going to die because I find them a new home, provided its a good home and experienced people.


But, I have learned a lesson, just because a bird plays with you and steps up, shoulders in their owners home, doesnt mean they will do it in mine.....I lucked out with Meggie.....so now that ive seen this is possible, im not going to even bother looking at craigslist.

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Your posts upset me I'm afraid. Maybe you mean well but because of you these birds are going to have to go through more trama. Apparantly you don't know much about birds. Your Maggie is going to develop a personality, and you are probably going to have to deal with problems with her. Just because your cute bird that you have had for not even a month is acting good, you decide you can handle two macaws!? This forum is designed for people to get advice and help, and there are so many members here willing to help anyone and give advice to anything. If you had just asked on the forum before hastily jumping to get more birds I know several people would have advised against it. You need time to let Maggie settle in first! You gave up on these two macaws in no time... changing homes, changing who they know and have lived with, changing everything that makes them feel safe and secure, is going to take more than a couple days, weeks, or even months for them to settle in. This incompetence makes me worry that you will not understand the problems in how you are acting, and will unfairly give up on your grey too the first few days she decides to scream for attention or bite you when you don't understand her body language.


The first thing I thought when seeing this post, is wtf you just got a bird, then were asking about another, and now ditched that and picked two macaws... now I see that you want to get rid of them. These poor birds, that's why I'm so frustrated. Honestly I feel people act without thinking so much and someone always ends up hurt :(


What you say about your son is rediculous. You say Macaw's have morbid, eery screams, not a normal parrot call... hello, a Macaw is a parrot, with the classic deep parrot call. Surely you could at least have YouTubed a Macaw and had your son listen to the call and said to him "hey my new birds are going to sound like this so don't freak out, it's normal." if nothing else! I've heard so many reasons for giving up birds but "My son is going to be scared of the morbid macaw calls" is a first. I promise you I'm not trying to offend you I'm just upset that you didn't think it through. It looks like you didn't at all. THEN, to make things much worse, you say 'oh they were going to be rehomed anyway'. EVERY time a bird is rehomed, it's a big deal for the birds. I bet the original owners would hate to read this thread of yours.


Glad AT LEAST that you learned a lesson... please never be so hasty again, and please grow some patience as your Maggie is going to need it as she grows up! Those macaws probably would have grown to like you, but you have to be very patient! Birds are not an easy, simple pet. Sorry.

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This just sucks. Sorry. I hate threads like this. I was too wondering about how on earth you could have had a Grey for a little over a week and be welcoming two more Macaws home. I fear for how you will handle the dynamics of your Grey as you are tried by the many things they do as they grow. It is going to take patience. I hope you have that much. If you end up rehoming your Grey, just resign from this site, and do not tell us.

Edited by Elvenking
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Well, in anycase its previous owners were moving out of state in a week so they were going to be rehomed. I have a couple of interested parties who I've screened as good home.


My son is 4yrs old, when I had the quaker and the quaker screamed it startled my son, and it was ear piercing scream for a little quaker, these macaws dont have just an ear piercing scream, they sound like a Taredactyl, not like I ever heard one, but you know what I mean, its a morbid, eery scream, not a regular parrot call....and it scared the crap out of me when i was just standing there and they did it, i can imagine my son in front of the cage tryung to alk to them and get that in his face.....I care more for my son, and dont want his heart to jump out of his chest, plus it will make him think all birds are like that affecting him on how he trusts Meggie.


These birds are not going to die because I find them a new home, provided its a good home and experienced people.


But, I have learned a lesson, just because a bird plays with you and steps up, shoulders in their owners home, doesnt mean they will do it in mine.....I lucked out with Meggie.....so now that ive seen this is possible, im not going to even bother looking at craigslist.


I HOPE YOU DON'T BUY ANY MORE BIRDS. You've never heard a Grey scream, or a Conure, or a Amazon!!!! And yes you don't know the trauma these two helpless creatures are going to receive, Oh-Well, they'll be re-homed any way, why not do it twice, and really traumatize them!!! Your doing the same thing the people did to you, in a perfect world they would have never lied to you, and you would have asked the forums before buying, how long did it take for me to answer you 'TOO question? Bird spelled backwards is Love, for Life. Mr. Jay-d Sheppard......

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If you end up rehoming your Grey, just resign from this site, and do not tell us.
What this person has done, I don't like!!!!, But he doe's have as much right to Thread andpost here as any of us!!! Jayd
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Goodness. I'll come back later. Okay!!!!!!




No offense intended to you! Bold letters were meant to draw attention to a right we all have on the Forum.... Jayd

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It's okay. I just don't need to hear about rehomed Greys, unless it's someone doing the taking in and not the rehoming.

That's what is so great about the forums, we can read what we want, ignore what we want, write posts and answer threads, agree and disagree... Isn't freedom Greay't!!!! and even let other people read threads we are tired of.

To :xcelprinting.com

[bold to show who comment is directed to]

A excellent choice o bird for you and your family would be a "Ring Neck Dove", They like humans, are tame, can be taught to"step-up", and coexist with Grey's. There coos are very relaxing. I'm not joking,



I prefer a Ring Neck... Jayd

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Wow, it looks like xcelprinting.com jumped in without getting the facts and thought he could handle two macaws after just having his grey for a week or so, you have not seen the full personality of your grey yet and that may surprise you with what you will find.

You need to concentrate on Meggie right now, you have made a committment to her and it takes time to develop a relationship and she is still just a baby and has a lot of growing up to do and I think you do too.

I hope Meggie doesn't get to screaming but birds are loud thats just the way they are accept it or find a different kind of companion.

You seem like the typical person who sees a pretty parrot that allows you to touch them and maybe talks to you, you think it is so cute and you decide to buy it then you realize later that this bird has other habits that are hard to deal with, hello, do your homework and find out what you are getting yourself into for like the others have already said it is the birds that suffer for our ignorance.

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