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How big is your cage, how many toys & perches do you have in it?

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I was curious how big or type of cage do you have for your AG?


How many perches and toys do you have in it?


Here's a pic of mineDSC03938.JPG


My photo album: http://picasaweb.google.com/abcogroup1/TimnehAfricanGreyMeggie#


She has a cement/sandy type perch in front of every bowl, then 2 more perches, one long one, and tonight I added 3 more. one is dragonwood, the others are this wood that smells good, kinda like an apple smell...so total about 6 perches, I placed them in a way that she can maneuver from one to the next. only her stuff she came with is whats pictured.


As for toys I have about 8 to 10 as well, added a few to the outside of her cage today, that I noticed as she saw me take it out of the bag where I was sitting, about 3 ft away from her I could see her pacing in anxiousness, and I brought it up to her and she didnt strike at it, it has multicolored soft frayed rope ends, and colored wood blocks, its about as big if not bigger than her, seems to have liked it....she enjoyed the new ones I brought her as well. only her stuff she came with is whats pictured.


So, lets here about you.

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JungleDreamz, I like it, roomy....my cage is only 24"wide x 22" deep, she's been in it for 6yrs, at least thats what previous owner says, wondering if since she is out of her cage most of the time, if it would even be worth it to go larger, or keep her in what she's been used to.

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Brutus' cage is about 32" x 21" x 30" high. There are 4 perches, a trapeeze with a concrete perch, and about 4 hanging toys currently. It looks like about the same cage as yours, xcel. He spends more time out of the cage than in. He has a couple play stands he spends most of his time on. He only sleeps in the cage, and is only put in it during the daytime if I have to go out, golf, or running errands.

Edited by esknomoe
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Oh and so does Issac....lately he has been flying to that atom right when I let him out....going for the little plastic bunnies on the toy in the middle. I have to get like 4 more just like it. Plastic little goodies are the trick...he will spend hours just tearing them apart. Well....in 15 - 30 minute doses.


If you look close, the little plastic thingies above the wiffle ball looking things...used to be bunnies...no matter...he will work on them until they are gone!



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@Tricky: LOL I does look like sand! But No, Its just papertowles :) And Thanks :) :) :)


@Elven: Yes I see where they use to be bunnies! lol, He does really like chewing them up huh! I just saw a toy the other day with a little plastic frog on it like that, Issac would of loved it! Calypso is more for the wood. And the Leather...Those leather toys are so expensive though! Yikes, But they do last the longest. But Now as Calypso is older, We are starting to go through toys faster, haha

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