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How well does your AG get along with Cockatoos"

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I don't have a cockatoo, just my grey. It is impossible to say how they will get along. My brother does have a cockatoo and she is as docile as a lamb. Wouldn't hurt a thing in this world. I think the member with the tag of JayD also has a cockatoo, maybe he will chime in for you. All of his birds coexist quite well from what I hear...LOL. ;)

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Thank you Elvenking!! Hi, we have two, 1 a "Rescue" and 1 a "Re-home". In our case, All are birds are cage free when were home, they have "sleeping cages" and free standing play areas, so they're out all the time. Freddy, ans Spock [one of our Grey's] get along great, Freddy [18yr's old.] "Preens Spock", our other 'TOO , keeps to her self [8yr's old]. Our other birds just ignore them.

A Ducorps Cockatoo, which is about the size of a Grey should cause no problem. http://www.avianweb.com/ducorpscockatoo.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solomons_Cockatoo

Remember Your Grey came first and you have to treat him that way, greet him first, treats first, petting first, etc...I would do it, but it's not for the faint of heart, with two such social and demanding birds, you really have to know each of the and they're ways, and remember they're diet is different...Go for it.



Edited by Jayd
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Aah this is the loveliest video Jayd - and I've never seen it before. Thanks so much for posting it - it's perfect proof of how a grey and a too can get along - although no guarantee obviously, that two similar birds would hit it off in the same way, but I would think you've answered xcelprintings question quite beautifully.

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Aw, yes that was a very cute video, they were both enjoying it, beatiful video.


But, Update: Noooo way I'm doing a Cockatoo of any kind...they are lovely and animated, but holy crap that scream, or "roar" more like it.


Lets just say I did not pull the trigger on this, not only would i not tolerate the noise, but i'd have for my grey to mimic it.....yup, I passed on it.


I think I need to snap out of it, and just stick to one bird for now and develop a good bond with her.


And the only way even later on I'll even consider another bird is having a good 1st experience where we hit it off.


I have a tripod near Meggie, and camera, throughout the day she will have her times when she wants to whistle a while and go through some of the words and sounds, and laughing when I'm away, does it some with me present or in perch in my office, but not as much and repeated as when I'm not in sight....I'm waiting to catch her on camera.

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Wait a minute...not all Cockatoos are loud. I have known a few, including my own, that do not scream. They have gotten such a bad rap. They really need to separate the Sulfur Crested Cockatoos because the Lesser is not know as a screamer. If you dig deep on the internet, you'll find a few articles that will state this. Otherwise, all of the Sulfur Crested are listed as screamers when that is not true for all species.


Unfortunately the one I was picking up did, she literally had a roar, i could not believe how loud....its too bad she was funny.

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I've never owned a cockatoo but a friend has one that is the sweetest bird ever... slight feather plucking problem but will bow her head for anyone for a scratch, she's your best friend if you scratch and talk to her... and I have never heard her get loud. ANY parrot can be loud... Yoshi my Timneh can shriek quite shrill and ear piercing if you are in the same room, but she doesn't do that much these days thank goodness!

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In all due respect, All cockatoos are noisy to one extent or another,In 37 years of working with these and other birds I've found this to be true. Fred is a Lesser, and Tango is a greater 'Too, in our case, Freddy is nosier. This yer and last year I've bee raising and socialize 7 'TOO's, from a Lesser to a Leadbetter. In the wild and in captivity, they love to be vocal, all to a different level. Our Grey's don't imitate them, nor do the one's I mentor. They are a demanding bird...Jayd

Note: More 'TOO's are given up due to noise.

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