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Almost burned the house down...


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Ok so yeah, I swear I am not a bad cook, lol, BUT the other night I was cooking some rice on the stove, I set the timer for 20 mins, grabbed a stop watch and went outside, I was doing some yard trimming and stuff outside, Well when my alarm beeped and it had been 20 mins, I went to retrieve the rice...Well I walked in and I couldnt see my hand in front of my face, HELLO IDIOT ME, I FORGOT TO TURN THE STOVE OFF HIGH HEAT....The house was totally filled with smoke...The first thing I thought was THE BIRDS....SO I grabbed the pot off the stove and turned the heat off so it would smoke any worse, Then I ran to Calypso's cage grabbed her (she totally freaked out by the way and was biting at me, but I didnt care) ran her outside to her play tree, Grabbed my Quaker and ran him outside, The went for the Tiel and lovebird, Put them out, SHOOT, I cant leave them out thier with my cat!, SO I went to grab the cat, And he ran from me, cuz I was scaring him, I was just in total adrenaline mode, So I know it isnt very nice but I had to act, I grabbed him by the tail as he was running from me, Picked him up and put him in the garage...Opened all the windows and doors, Turned all the fans on....Whew...All this in under 3 mins....Oh and by the way, When I say I put the birds outside, It is an outside screened in porch, so not outside outside where they could fly away...Just thought I would clarify that, lol.


Anyway, smoke was just barraling out of the house and made the whole street I live on fill with smoke, It was absolutly aweful, the pot was was probably moments away from going up in flames. It actually BROKE my pot! It split in 2.


I aired the house out, and got all the smoke out, But it smeeled SO bad in thier...But I couldnt leave the birds out all night, I had to bring them in, I was SO worried about them, I slept out in the living room with them all night to keep an eye on them. And THANK GOODNESS, They are all just fine...but Wow, That was NOT a good experiance. I was so freaked out :( I felt like a mom rushing in to save her kids from a burning building, lol I got an instant headache from the smoke, and could hardly breath, I couldnt imagine how it was affecting the birds with lungs a million times smaller than mine :( Thank goodness I had my stop watch on, What if I didnt! What if I forgot I was even cooking rice and got all into my yard triming?! I would of killed them all! uuuggghhh, I just cant think about it...Anyway, I just thought I would share this AWEFUL experiance with everyone.


OH but to end on a good note, Yesterday, Calyspo said HI BABY! YAY! She is no mute! So now she says Hello and HI baby...The Hi baby still sounds like a robot, lol, But I know it will get more and more clear as she practices. Her "hello" sounds JUST like me now! It actually scared me the other day, I thought for an instant some one was in my house!


Anyway, Thanks for reading :)

Edited by JungleDreamz
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This reminds me of what happened when i cooked some chicken in a pan a few weeks back. I was still getting used to the stove in my apartment and ended up really blackening one side of the chicken...filling my place with enough smoke to make it looke like fog had rolled in. Took about 2 or 3 days to completely quell the smell. I am glad all the animals are safe and things didn't go any worse.

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Wow, what a scary incident for you and the critters!


I would have reacted the same as way as you probably. first get the critters out of the smoke. second, worry about hurt feelings later. :P


I can only imagine how your heart was pounding an head rushing. Good Job! :)

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Oh what a nightmare! I would have done exactly the same thing - taken the bites and all! I once read a fantastic tip on here - I can't remember who it was from, but they said they kept a pillow case near their bird's cages, so in the event of the unthinkable and they had to evacuate - they could just bung the bird in the pillow case in order to get out quickly. I now keep one in the cupboard near Harvey's cage for any such occasion.


I'm so pleased that everything is okay ~ it's such an easy thing to do, and we've all done it! Great that Calypso is speaking! What a great thing to say too!!


PS. Since you burned the rice - what did you have for dinner!!! :) :) :)

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What a scare Hannah. Thank goodness for your quick actions. What a relief that all your fids and cat are all fine. I thank God for my smoke alarms in my home, I set them off at least once a month! The house was built with an exhaust fan in the hallway what I have used. It is right in front of the birdroom. Lucky for my fids!!! Thank you Hannah for sharing this story with us so we can keep ever vigilant!


Jill, it is Pat (TycosMom) the moderator of the Other Birds Room who has pillowcases handy for her birds' quick escape.

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Hannah, glad you got the birds out safe and sound. I had a similar experience with boiled eggs, the water boiled dry, what a stench! Luckily it was before I had birds.


Janet, I don't know how you remember who posted what and where, but you are truly amazing! I can't remember what I posted!

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and we've all done it!

BEANS!!! I did it with beans!!!

PS. Since you burned the rice - what did you have for dinner!!! :) :) :)

Lol Jill - once I knew the animals were ok I found myself thinking the same thing!!! - I think I'd have been too freaked to try the rice again!!! Lol!

What presense of mind you had Hannah to get everyone out so quickly, and well done for staying calm too. I keep a duvet cover handy for such evacuations.

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Haha, Thank you all for the nice comments...I am glad everyone was ok too. And my dog was outside with me but ran into the "burning" house with me, He is the Greatest boy ever, and kept telling him to "GET OUTSIDE" but he stayed vagilant right by my side. Just thought I would let you all know that too :) :)


But yeah that is a really good idea to keep a pillowcase handy, I think I am going to have to do that!


We had a tornado warning here a couple weeks ago, and you should of seen me trying to do the "practice run" trying to get all the birds as quick as possible into the same bird carrier. Then I ran and put them in the closet, and threw some pillows around them, and me and the dog ran into the bathroom into the bath tub and threw my big down comfortor over our heads, LOL THAT was funny, Cuz my dog is 110 pounds...hahaha, Us trying to both fit into the bathtub. But like I said, this was just a practice, we never did have a bad tornado or anything, But you know, YOU HAVE GOT to be prepared and know what you are going to do in case of an emergency. In case of a real situation though, I dont know what I would do with the cat yet, I guess grab him and put him into the tub too, Oh and my Husband! lol...He wasnt home at the time, So I may have to rethink my safety route! Ethier that or put in a REALLY big bath tub for all of us to fit into! lol :P

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Oh and my Husband! lol...He wasnt home at the time, So I may have to rethink my safety route! Ethier that or put in a REALLY big bath tub for all of us to fit into! lol :P

Good Lord! Don't forget the Husband!! I think the REALLY big bathtub is the way to go!

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Wow, when that was an exhilarating event, I could just imagine it as I was reading it....I just got my TAG Meggie last Tuesday, and I was just thinking about getting a small travel cage for any possible misfortune, although I leave her on her playtop with the TV o with cartoons or kids channel whenever I leave the house...she's been there when I have got back, she isn't clipped. I just wonder since she is only been with me for a week if after she is more comfortable will she walk on the floor and explore, and possibly try to chew an electrical chord, or poop on top of the electrical back side of my plazma.


But in any event, good thing you had that reminder to check on the rice, could've been worse. Good thing I hardly ever cook :cool:

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personally, I would not have a flighted bird out of the cage unsupervised. I probably wouldn't have a clipped one out unsupervised either. I suppose you could do so safely in a well parrot proof room like a bird room that some of the folks here have. But yes, when she starts getting comfortable, she will fly around, chew things up, and poop everywhere.

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personally, I would not have a flighted bird out of the cage unsupervised. I probably wouldn't have a clipped one out unsupervised either. I suppose you could do so safely in a well parrot proof room like a bird room that some of the folks here have. But yes, when she starts getting comfortable, she will fly around, chew things up, and poop everywhere.


Yes, the poop, I'm trying to work on potty training....lets see how she behaves, i might leave a camera on her afew times when i leave.

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Lol what an experience! I'm glad you and all your animals are safe :) Good job on the quick acting!


xcel -

Yoshi is clipped and while at first she stayed on her cage top and play stands, she is much more adventurous now and soon jumps and flutters down in an attempt to find me if I'm not in the same room as her. When she is flighted again there will be no stopping her, lol, and I know she can't be trusted while I'm away. It just isn't a good idea because there is so much they can get into! I've heard several bad stories about birds being left out, so I prefer to play it safe! I leave plenty for her to do in her cage, and soon as I'm home she is back out again lol.

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Thanks again everyone for all your kind thoughts and for caring!


And yeah when I am not home I do put the birds in the cages, Because I came home one day and discovered Calypso's poo all over the floor in the house, Which means she had been wandering around (she is clipped too) So I followed the poo trail to the wires for my sound system and found that the wire to one of the speakers had been chewed in half, I dont know how she managed not to become fried chicken, But that gave me a big scare so I just leave them out while I am home :)

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