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Congo grey possibly in search of new home - Washington, DC area


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I have an almost-4-year-old female Congo grey named Koko. I'm thinking about finding a new home for her, and I'm wondering whether there is anyone near the Washington, DC area that is interested in being her new forever home.


I've had her since she was 3 months old. She was hand-fed. I don't clip her wings, so she's an excellent flyer - although I think this has lead to her being a bit of a brat. She always wants to be wherever the people are in the house. She always wants some of whatever I'm eating - she'll walk over and say "koko!" repeatedly until I give her a bite of my food. She can also say "what?" - although not on command. She likes head scratches a lot. She hasn't had exposure to many people (just me, basically), so she's a bit leery around anyone aside from me. Her favorite foods are apple slices (especially fresh, crisp granny smith apples), Nutriberries, and peanuts (junk food, I know) - but she will try almost anything. If I leave a tomato, mushroom, etc (basically anything) on the counter she will fly over and nibble at it. For a while, she was crazy in love with pizza crusts. She is an expert mimic of my microwave.


I work all day, so she's in a cage for 9 hrs a day at least (sometimes more). She definitely doesn't like that. She much prefers to be out free. In fact, for about the first 3 years I had her, I basically just let her stay out of her cage 24/7 - although that was started by her refusing to go into her cage, and me getting tired of chasing her around the house to get her to go in. One day she just decided she didn't like her cage, and that was that. Now, I keep her in her cage while I'm gone, which she doesn't like at all. She won't go willingly into her cage - I have to put food in there, or basically hold her and put her in the cage. I know, my fault for not being strict at first. :( But she would *love* to be in a home where she doesn't have to be caged up all day.


Having said all of that, of course I am attached to her, since even before taking her home, I visited her from time to time at the hand feeder's house, so she's kinda known me from almost the time when she was hatched. So, I'm still not 100% sure I want to find another home for her - just trying to find out if there's anyone local to the area who is looking for a grey to take in, who has a home with people around all the time, because I think that would be a much better situation for her.


Thanks in advance - I know it probably sounds like I am a horrible parrot dad, but if she could find a home with experienced parrot owners who are around more often than I am, she would be happier (eventually, I guess; probably sad for a bit after the transition). Just trying to find out whether such a home is out there. :)



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Question-do you really want to give her up I hear a great deal of doubt in your words? Are you looking for some help in guiding her back on track with behaviors? Do you have any friends that have Parrots she might enjoy visiting during the time you work on occasion? You do not sound like a horrid Parront you sound like some one who cares enough to face some difficult decisions to improve both of your lives. Look forward to hearing more from you and more of us will respond as they find your post.

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Of course I don't want to give her up, in the sense that no pet owner wants to lose their pet. By the same token, behavior modification only goes so far. In the end, a parrot isn't domesticated. It's a wild animal, and some degree of unwanted (to the human) behavior - chewing, pooping everywhere, etc - is just part and parcel of being a parrot owner. So, even in the best case, there are still problems to deal with. I used to not care so much, but I just bought a new house, I'm doing a bunch of home improvement, and it's frustrating having a parrot that basically is working 100% in the opposite direction. Not by intent, obviously, but it's frustrating having food remnants, bird poop, feathers, chewed bits of wall, etc everywhere, and bite marks in new sofas, etc. And, there's one of me in a 3 story house to keep everything neat. Not too easy.


And, there are only so many parrot people in the world. Not many people can deal with a pet that may nip at their hands, fly at their head, etc. So I really don't have any options as far as people to take care of her. It would be awesome if there were, but there aren't.


So, I'm in a situation where I work 8 hrs a day, and then have to deal with an unruly parrot at home and constantly keep an eye on her, so I can hardly even watch TV without her chewing up the carpet, or chewing on the corners of walls, etc.


I lived with an ex-girlfriend who had a Jardine's, so it's not like I went in blind, but greys can be a lot more work. It's my fault for not having the foresight to think years down the road, but at the time, all of the stuff I mentioned above didn't bother me. Now it does, and it's not fair to hold it against the parrot, but it's just a conundrum. Hate the idea of not having her, but also hate dealing with the mess, and house destruction, etc.


Honestly, I just think a grey works better in a house full of people, who can take care of the parrot and spend a lot of time with her. In my mind they're social creatures, and I just don't think being locked up all day, and having only one person around most of the time, is conducive to having a happy parrot.


Anyway, so that's my situation in a nutshell.

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You do not sound like a bad parront to me at all. You sound like a very carring person that loves Koko so much you are at a point you have willing to go through a lot of emotional pain for her benefit.


Our grey is in the cage as well all day and fully flighted. He is always happy to see my wife get home and an't wait for her to open that cage door. He hangs upsidedown, flaps his wings and makes baby chirps to hurry her up. :)


He too is a challenge to get in the cage, unless we ensure he is nice and comfy after sitting for hours with one of us and is in that fluffed up and hunkered down mode. Then we simply have him step up, then place our hand over his back very lightly so he can not fly and walk him quickly to his cage. I must admit, he sometimes does nip a little, but not aggresive enough to draw blood....normally.


The reason I am telling you this, is I do not for one minute believe he would be happier in a home he would be out all day. He loves us very much and threats over where we are even if we walked out of sight for only a few seconds.


It would also be hard to find a home that someone is there all day, other than a retired person or a stay at home mom that may or may not return to the workforce at any time they need the income.


I am positive that you will do what you think is right for Koko and are not making a decision yet, as you weigh the pros and cons out carefully.


I look forward to hearing more from you on this topic. :0

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One other thought, since you live in a seemingly huge house. Turn one room into a parrot room with all the chewing, thrashing toys you want to hang up with some ropes, swings, tree stands etc. You could then let her play all day inthere and get all the chewing out of her system while in there.


Then hopefully when you come home and let her out. she will be more focused on interactions with you, rather than streching her wings and hell bent on getting a lot of action in while shes out. :)

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I believe it's all about priorities and making the necessary adjustments to do right by your parrot. I don't believe that looking for a new home for your african grey is the answer.


Having an african grey is alot of work if you do it right. I know, because I have one and I know what kinds of concessions I've had to make in my life so that the quality of my parrot's life can be as pleasant as possible. She didn't ask for me to bring her into my home. I made that decision. I intend to take ownership of my commitment and do what's necessary to be the best parront that I can for her. I'm not going to bail out on her just because it is no longer "convenient" to have her around. I'll repeat what I said. It's a matter of priorities.

Edited by lovethatgrey
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I couldn't agree more with Adina's comment of its a matter of priorities and since you seem to care for this grey a lot then why not come up with a solution that does not involve rehoming this bird, she is part of your family and by being so she deserves to be accommodated and I really like Dan's idea of a room just for her. She could have plenty of room to excercise and do what a parrot does best, destroy things, think about it long and hard because you may make a decision you might regret later.

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  • 2 months later...

Does anyone know, did this AG ever get placed? I can not believe lurking on here for months and months and I did not see this thread. I could kick myself. Been looking to adopt an AG for a few months now. I live in the area N Va so if she is still in need of a good life long home with someone that is home all day almost every day let me know. We have no small children and have been looking for a Grey exactly like this that is need of a good home and came from a loving home.



Edited by tarm
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Guest jamalbirdbiz

i am very intrested in there whereabouts. plz fyi us.




Jamal and the birds






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