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Bad Cage...


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I never like to bash any companies... but after talking to a couple of members on here I really think you guys need to know about this.


As we live in Hawaii buying bird products is very hard (we have 2 TINY pet shops on our island). Basically anything we want we have to pay an enormous amount of money to have shipped out here.


So we found; www.birdcages4less.com


and decided on this cage;




It looks great in the picture and with an extra $140 in shipping it cost us $440 to get out here.


Well it came... yesterday... and let me tell you it is a huge piece of junk. Not only did it arrive damaged (completely bent in spots with some rust) but it is horribly made. Nothing is welded, so the bars move around (not so great for a little climber like Makena). There were numerous places where sharp pieces of metal where sticking out that had to be filed down. You cannot leave the front door open as poor little Makena found out the hard way :angry: I was in the kitchen (which is 3 feet away from the cage) and I heard Makena screaming like he has never screamed before. I ran over to the cage only to find that he had pulled the door shut with his beak over his toes and was stuck... If I hadn't got there when I did... ahhh... I don't even want to think about it.


I love that little bird soooo much and if something were to happen to him because of a cage I bought I couldn't live with myself...


We did call the company and they are sending us some replacement parts as well as a $100 store credit. I will try to contain my excitement :S No amount of replacement parts or store credit can fix that cage.


So here is a warning for you guys... and please be careful about the cages you buy. If anyone has any good suggestions of places to buy cages ONLINE please let me know... as I am in the market :pinch:


Thanks Loviechick for your great suggestion earlier!

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Guest Lidia

Thanks for that, it is always good to know what sort of quality you get when you buy online. A real eye-opener.


Poor Makena, I well know that screech that he gave when he caught his foot, it sends your blood cold, I'm glad you were there.


Why isn't the store replacing the cage with a completely new one?<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/08/08 10:29

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Yes, I have to go with Lidia.Have them replace the whole thing. Tell them its rusted. I would take some pictures of the parts that are bad. Circle it on the pic, and tell them it is bad. You paid a hefty price for junk. Tell them they pay for shipping too. Its not your fault its junk.

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Guest briansmum

yes i'm with toni. get all your money back or a cage that does the job! makes me so mad, i've just been through this myself, the cage i got from the breeder started falling apart! grrrr

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Yea alot of the cages I see on websites.Some look so nice but I think some pics look deceiving.Im just happy to have to big pet stores here. Love the cage I bought for my baby. I took Judys advice. I bought the dome at first but took it back and bought a huge square one w/a play gum on top. The bars are thick. 100.00 more than the dome one but I feel well worth it. Its also white so it will be better to see my baby when I take pics of it.

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Thats the drawback of ordering from websites, you only have a photo to go by and what you get may not be the quality in the pic.


Glad you got a good one Toni, and you have an advantage of having a big pet store nearby, we don't have anything like that here, we have pet stores but not a bird specific variety.

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i have a giant dog kennel that inga will not use. it is huge and sturdy. would this make a serviceable alternate cage? it is big enough for a 70-lb german shepherd to go in and turn around standing up. i bought one big enough i think for a calf but there is a part of her sad past that will not allow her to go in the kennel. not that she needs to, thankfully.


in fact to help her learn the kennel was not Bad, my great big son got inside it and coaxed her in with treats and they had a nice little cuddle and ear-scritchy. but that was plenty for her and at least she went in and had a good experience.


anyway i thought perhaps that would be a serviceable alternate haven for up in my office. what is the general opinion of this?


have i hijacked another thread? tell me if i have.

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Hi Makena,


It is sad to hear about your Cage purchasing experience :( But, just so you know, the cages (if medium to large) weigh a 100 pounds or more and unfortunately the shipping transporters in truck and plane just throw the things around and the end result are some bent up parts.


I had the same experience in receiving both my cages in regards dented or bent parts and used a large rubber hammer and flat surface to straighten things out.


The Cage door is an issue you will need to deal with.


They all swing open and closed easily. I have big snap rings that I hold the Cage doors open with. So the incident you experienced will not happen.


I hope the Cage Company does you right, there should be NO RUST at all!


Keep us posted on your results :-)



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That's a good way too Judy :-)


But, I am purposefully having Dayo step up to exit the Cage when I want him to and I then place him back in the Cage the same way when I want him to go in.


I need to get the ground rules established.


This way, it is not up to him to decide if or when He wants to come out :-)

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Sorry to hear about your experience Makena. I agree with what others have posted...you mention rusted/sharp parts. I would not accept this and either demand a refund or a replacement. Dont settle for less. CD is correct, you can simply deny the charges if the company will not make this right.


I purchased an Avian Adventures cage on line earlier this year from Everything Birds, at this website (and cage model). I have been very happy with the product, service and price...However it is true that they cages can leave the shipper in fine shape and get banged up during shipping. The folks at the airports etc may not treat the boxes all that gently (unfortunately).



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Good idea Dan, we were thinking about finding a way to secure the door in the open position.


They are sending us some replacement parts to fix the badly damaged areas. Like the trays that are so damaged they won't even slide in.


We can't ship it back because it would be too expensive plus we can't go without another cage for a long period of time...


We are just going to keep searching for the perfect cage... We will keep this one, put it in another room and let him use the play top. We eventually wanted to get another cage anyways, we just didn't think it would be so soon!


Plus he isn't in it that often as we are addicted to playing with him! :P

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Dan, don't forget what we have said many times, don't spend more time with him now that you can't spend with him later, or you will regret it. But it is so hard to do that when you have a new baby in the family and you want to hug and cuddle it so much. I don't want to have to say "I told you so". LOL

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Thanks Judy,


Yes, thats on my mind and thus I play for a couple hours, back in cage for a couple hours etc.


Then I finally put him in the cage about two hours before Kim gets home and she gets the grand entrance welcome from Dayo. He just loves her to death and I believe she has replaced the Breeder as the Official feeder :-)


He will take two or three spoons of oatmeal or baby food from me in the morning. But when Kim gets home after work, you would think I had starved him all day :ohmy: He Just takes spoon-full after spoon-full from her.

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I agree with what everyone has said, you really still need to check it out withyour credit card company, normally the have insurance and then your shippement costs would be covered! I have done it before with a massage table.

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Makena, what Island do you live on? If you live on Oahu, there used to be a Pet Discount Warehouse across the street from Cos-Co. I can’t guarantee that, it has been a few years sense I lived there. But they used to have some real good prices on some really nice cages...and a huge selection of birdie-toys.



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