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Yoshi has flew off.. Shes in Glasgow Scotland

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I'm really glad that Yoshi has been found - and my criticism here will sound harsh - but it was Paul's mindlessness that allowed Yoshi to escape in the first place. Why punish the poor bird by having her wings clipped? Circumstances like this make me sooooo mad. Paul took her outside without a harness on (imagine that, a bird that can away - it's hardly rocket science) and Yoshi used her wings to fly (what a huge surprise).


I just hope he hasn't got young children and one manages to walk and break something that they shouldn't have - will he get their legs chopped off!!!


Sorry to sound harsh - but he has been extremely lucky she has been found, but sadly had to endure fear due to something that was completely out of her control.

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Ok.. While i fully agree that paul should never have taken Yoshi outside without a harness... I thinksome of the comments here are a little harsh.. He loves that bird, really loves her... So if he has chose to get her wings clipped then its his choice.. I have said to him i personally wouldn't do it.. But i had also told him a while ago t stop taking her outside without a harness...I know he will NEVER take her out again without one now though, i guess he is just trying to cover all the bases on his part, more than likely out of guilt! He is a first time grey owner like myself, and like everyine he makes mistakes, but like i said, he was very lucky to get her back.. I really didnt expect it at all...


For anyone that thinks yoshi is my bird.. shes not, Adanna is mines.. Judy etc knows my bird as i have been a member here for a while, and Adanna has never flown away, or had wings clipped and is as spoiled as they come..Shes whistling away to Dido's white flag as i type :)



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You have been a member for two years Michelle but you don't visit very often but yes I know Yoshi is not your bird and you have done your best to convince your friend to not clip his bird but the final decision is his but glad to hear that Adanna is unclipped and is being spoiled rotten.

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He is a first time grey owner like myself, and like everyine he makes mistakes,



All the more reason to try to convince him not to clip. I realised Yoshi was not your bird, I think you've done great to try to raise awareness from your friends lost bird. The fact remains though, that if Yoshi had already been clipped, the story might not have had so happy an ending, she would have still managed to escape (clipped birds can and do still fly off when spooked) but the clipped wings may have meant she couldn't have gotten to the safety of that tall tree you found her in, she might have been hit by a car or eaten by a dog had she not been able to fly to safety. You said that Paul was taking her to be chipped and maybe clipped, so perhaps he will still change his mind. We all look to experience of others when making tough decisions like this!

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I'm sorry if losing your bird is a little harsh, but so is clipping! Maybe your friend should visit the "Grey Forum" and have a read!!!!! Thank you personally for your help in recovery, my comments are to your friend.....Jayd

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Michelle I commend you for working every angle you could to help Paul get his Yoshi home. No one is faulting you. I do hope Paul will join the forum and get to know us all. Everyone here only wants what is best for all greys! And yes some of us get carried away. The main thing is, is that Yoshi is home safe and sound and for that Hooray!!!!!

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Michelle, my comments too are to Paul - not you, so there is no need to defend yourself about how long you have been a member etc. You have posted on his behalf, I am using you as that conduit to my right to reply.


You even say you have told him not to take Yoshi out without a harness - but clearly he doesn't listen! You have done everything you can in order to secure the safe retrieval of Yoshi - but the only thing that can stop Yoshi from flying away again isn't wing clipping - it's a harness. £30 against the loss of his grey needs to be considered. As you will know, here in the UK it isn't the practice of breeders to clip a bird's wings - so to make that decision is kind of sad.


Please get him to read the many threads about owners who are DESPERATE to give their bird freedom again by regaining their flight feathers after clipping - he will see how sad it makes them. Also - if Yoshi were to jump from the top of his cage (something he has probably been used to) then he will crash to the floor and awful consequences would be met here too.


I am really, really sorry if you have taken my criticism personally - but this is an open forum, and everyone's opinions count (Paul's included). I am merely trying to persuade him not to make a mistake he will regret later on. :)

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