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I am very new to the larger parrots.

I fell in love with this African Grey after hearing that she has had 3 homes and is only 7 years old.

She was in a pet shop, and the owner let me know about her and her history.

I visited her for 6 days during my lunch and while I was waiting for my husband to get off of work.

By day 3 she started whistling when I walked in and by day 6 she regurged in my hand to feed me. Yuck!

But, I guess in bird world it was like giving me a present. Needless to say I purchased her and she is home.


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Yes she is a beauty to behold.


Hello Sue and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and glad you took my suggestion to introduce yourself so we can get to know you better.


She is probably going to love going with you when you travel, my grey goes with me when I visit my son and she plays with her toys and sits and talks on the way and of course she will be with you and that is the most important thing.


I am so glad you could give this bird a new forever home, being shuffled around 3 previous homes is hard for a bird such as a grey, they need stability but she has it now.


Do read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

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Congratulations to you for your new addition! Regurgitation is good...that means she loves you. Just be sure you say I love you and walk away when she does that. We have a GREYT family here and lots of great posts and advice for the asking. Talon is our Greyt leader here...Welcome!

Maggie, Jayd, Spock and the rest of our flock

P.S. Where's the photos? We love "Rescues" and all that rescue!!!

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Hi Sue, welcome to the forum.

It is so great that you have rescued this sweet little bird from the life she had. What is her name? Would love to hear more about her and how she is settling in with you. Rescuing an older grey is quite daunting for some, and it's good to hear "happy endings" for prospective rescuers.

Hope you enjoy the forums.

Lyn & Alfie


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This is our love story: I visited my Nala who is 7 years old at the time for 6 days straight and sat by her cage and spoke to her every day until day 3 when the pet shop owner asked if I wanted to see how she would react out of the cage. She put her head down and I cautiously put my hand out and stroked the top of her head. They told me no one could do that and she hadn't ever put her head down like that yet. She let me do that over and over for 2 lunch times and then on the 6th day she started bopping and regurged in my hand. I guess that gross moment the bird fell in love with me and me with her. It has been tough she has gotten me a couple of time and I don't make a big stink out of it. However she does go AWWWWWWE kiss please after she bites and I tell her not now, and then set her down. SHe was sold to the pet shop for $250 to pay the rent and came as payment from an old lady to them. The old lady taught her how to speak some and the others taught her how to swear like a sailor more on that at a later date. I am going to see if I can post some pics.

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Ah it was almost love at first sight but that is a wonderful story of how you came to have Nala, you two were meant to be together.


Maybe with some time you can clear up her dirty mouth, as she no longer hears the words she will say it less but I doubt if she ever forgets it.

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