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Everything posted by SueLaBar

  1. SueLaBar


    She won't step up yet unless she jumps away from her cage so bringing her into the bathroom is almost imposible yet. I won't give up. She gets pouty and mad sometimes but she gets over it.
  2. SueLaBar


    No she just drinks out of it. My quakers will jump head first into their bird bath and Nala just watches them from across the room. All the birds here soak the whole house with bathing time. I have towels all over the floors for a quick clean up. Splash my crested Canary is the worst. Hense his name. But Nala - she's a dirty bird . She gets really mad if you do things against her wishes. For now I will try leaving the dish on the bottom. I even tried putting a toy in for her but she took it out and flung it like"you can't be serious". Someone suggested freezing a blueberry or something inside an icecube to peak her curiousity.
  3. SueLaBar

    Avian Game

    Although there are only two scientifically recognized subspecies, the Congo and Timneh; Importers and quarantine stations have discovered two other AGs that come from different regions and have distinctive differences. The first is the Camaroon, which comes from Zaire (they were exported by an exporter in Camaroon) , is approx. 20% larger, has a more silver appearance, larger squarer head, and a brighter crimson tail than the congo. The second is the "Ghana", from Ghana, not Guyana located in Central America. The Ghana is smaller than the Congo and similar to the Timneh but has a much longer neck.
  4. SueLaBar


    My Quaker Parrots love water, but, my Nala hates bathing! I have sprayed her a couple of times, actually misted, and man she was mad at me for a week! I have an old glass pie plate that I put a toy in to float and 1/2 of water to see what would happen. She is just glaring at it!
  5. Well, I am glad to see that Nala isn't the only stubborn "step up" bird. If she floats down I can lift her or have her step up onto my hand or her rope. But I can not get her to step up off her cage or even try putting a toe on my hand. She loves little scritches on her head and under her throat and make funny puppy like sounds when I stop and walk away. She puts her head right down and loves every second of a good scritch. One nigh i was rubbing her head and she actually acted like she was dozing off! Her legs collapsed and she just sat ther hypnotised and dopey!
  6. Wow... I got all teary on this one. I wanted to try it with Nala but now I am not so sure I want to. Maybe 5 years from now. When I know she is really secure with me. Even though I want Nala to go out with me, I wouldn't want anything to happen to her. It's like forgetting to have child guards on the poison area in the bathroom. YOU JUST DON'T TAKE CHANCES LIKE THAT! My heart hurts for the owner... I don't know... just don't know. But man where is the common sence in this.
  7. Wow... I got all teary on this one. I wanted to try it with Nala but now I am not so sure I want to. Maybe 5 years from now. When I know she is really secure with me.
  8. She really only starts up with the cursing when I get grumpy or when my son comes to visit. It's like she tell what type of day I had or that ANdy is being a brat! It's funny how she does it. It just comes out!
  9. I just posted a couple in the photo section. It is titled crazy grey that loves french toast
  10. Nala loves french toast minus the sugar part. One day I was eating pasta for lunch and she plopped down off her cage and waddled over to me and I tried to balance my lunch and her at the same time and needless to say she got the pasta not me!
  11. This is our love story: I visited my Nala who is 7 years old at the time for 6 days straight and sat by her cage and spoke to her every day until day 3 when the pet shop owner asked if I wanted to see how she would react out of the cage. She put her head down and I cautiously put my hand out and stroked the top of her head. They told me no one could do that and she hadn't ever put her head down like that yet. She let me do that over and over for 2 lunch times and then on the 6th day she started bopping and regurged in my hand. I guess that gross moment the bird fell in love with me and me with her. It has been tough she has gotten me a couple of time and I don't make a big stink out of it. However she does go AWWWWWWE kiss please after she bites and I tell her not now, and then set her down. SHe was sold to the pet shop for $250 to pay the rent and came as payment from an old lady to them. The old lady taught her how to speak some and the others taught her how to swear like a sailor more on that at a later date. I am going to see if I can post some pics.
  12. Hi,

    I am very new to the larger parrots.

    I fell in love with this African Grey after hearing that she has had 3 homes and is only 7 years old.

    She was in a pet shop, and the owner let me know about her and her history.

    I visited her for 6 days during my lunch and while I was waiting for my husband to get off of work.

    By day 3 she started whistling when I walked in and by day 6 she regurged in my hand to feed me. Yuck!

    But, I guess in bird world it was like giving me a present. Needless to say I purchased her and she is home.

  13. Hi, I am very new to the larger parrots. I fell in love with this African Grey after hearing that she has had 3 homes and is only 7 years old. She was in a pet shop, and the owner let me know about her and her history. I visited her for 6 days during my lunch and while I was waiting for my husband to get off of work. By day 3 she started whistling when I walked in and by day 6 she regurged in my hand to feed me. Yuck! But, I guess in bird world it was like giving me a present. Needless to say I purchased her and she is home.
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