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Hi everyone,


Just a quick introduction :) I would like to introduce Bear, he is 18 wks old. We have had him for only a few days, he was kept in very bad conditions (an aquarium with no toys/ perches) at a pet shop, never allowed to fledge and basically not a happy boy.

Anyway he has only been home with us a few days, but is a delight to be around. From the cowering bird we saw in the pet shop, to a happy, confident, friendly and cuddly little chap in a few days...we hope this continues! He is such a sweetie, very gentle, likes to chat with you, and is busy learning to climb and BALANCE!

His wings have been clipped far too much meaning they are basically useless right now, but hopefully they will grow soon.

Overall I know we have a challenge, but he has already more than rewarded us in he last 3 days, and we are just happy to have got him away from those conditions :)


I am adding some pics to an album on here if anyone would like to see pics of him :)


I look forward to scouring this site, I have already found so much great advice!

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Welcome to the forum! It is unfortunate that Bear had the experience at the pet shop, thank you for rescuing him. I have to try to turn my mind away from the others that are still at the pet shop, it sickens me to think about members of our noble friend's family existing like that.


You have just joined what I would argue as the best African Grey resource in the world. Have a look around, search topics as they pop into your mind, ask questions and be prepared to get honest feedback that can sometimes be contrary to what you would have thought. There are some very experienced owners and breeders on this forum who are willing to offer their expertise, us novices are very lucky to have them. Everyone is helpful, and will offer advice when you need it.


I'm so pleased to hear that Bear has settled into your home well. I'm thrilled to hear that he is showing signs of being happy and loving, and that you sound to be doing a great job parronting so far. I saw your other post regarding weaning, I was lucky, I got my bird fully weaned directly from the breeder, but the advice I've read on this forum says to let the bird let you know when it is done weaning. You will notice a term used on here, "Parrot Time". This is an expression that explains the agonizing time that it takes for our feathered friends to do what we want. Don't get me wrong, you can train them to do tricks in seconds using the correct methods, but as far as growing back flight feathers, getting over phobias, weaning, etc., they do that on their time. Your role is support them as a flock member, an equal. I think you are going to really enjoy this journey. Again, and sincerely, welcome!

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Hello Bear and welcome to our family, its great that you could join us.


What a terrible first start to life but Bear has landed in the lap of luxury now and I bet he will come on in leaps and bounds, he is so young that he will blossom in your loving care, thanks for giving him a good home.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Pictures are always welcomed here so feel free to share any of Bear you may have.

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