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I am finally a Parront


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I am home. My Hawkie is here. He is beautiful. Tina did a wonderful job with raising him to this point. I have some pictures but have to upload them later for you. I promise.


He rode home in his pak o bird carrier on my son's lap and we talked and talked. Of course he doesn't use words yet but the sweetest chirps and chirrups I have ever heard. He was fascinated with me in particular and it was clear that I am his first human. He did think my son was cool though, especially when he whistled.


When we got home I just put the carrier in the living room and opened it and let him come out on his own. He did so quite quickly. I bribed him though by putting out toys lol. That is when I got the picture so you all will see. He wandered around the living room for a while, had some water and food, checked out toys and us, and then I decided it was cage time. He had been falling asleep in the car and I figured he needed a rest. I gave him some warm bean mix in the house and he went to eating with a gusto then settled in for a while and we both napped.


Now he is up on the top part of his cage where a lot of toys are and just exploring. He is really an angel but I have a strong suspicious he will have a fiesty personality as we gone on.


More later when I get the pictures up.


I am so happy

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Yeah, Hawkins if finally home and he is settling right into his new home, he will take to things pretty quickly to start off, its later that they become more wary of new things.


I can't wait to see the pictures you too of him but congrats on starting a new lifetime of happiness with Hawkins, karma.

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He ate dinner with us tonight. I have a small perch set up in the kitchen and he ate from his bowl while we all ate from ours. I gave him some of my vegies as well. He was so polite.


He does seem like a real toddler as he has fallen twice while trying to climb around his cage. However, since he hasn't been clipped he didn't land hard at all.


He has had a few flights in the house. Mostly from me to one of his perches. He is clearly hesitant but his flying is much less clumsy than his climbing around.


The dogs have gone through their excitement that he is here and are now all mellow. He is sleeping in his daytime cage. I will wake him in a bit to go play downstairs in our bedroom so he can get used to his sleep cage a bit before our official bedtime.


I am so happy.


Now to try and get these pics working.<br><br>Post edited by: crossfit, at: 2010/04/06 05:04

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How lovely that Hawkins is home! It's the day you have waited for, with anticipation, for so long and now that it's here you will hardly be able to believe he's home!


He's gorgeous! He looks so settled and happy! Can't wait to see his progression through the months :)

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Hawkins knows he landed in a very special place. He is just a beautiful boy. Congratulations to you on your new job of being a parront. Welcome home little Hawkins. Believe it or not, the happiness keeps getting more and more profound. Savor the time you have together, you deserve it.

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I don't think little Hawkins has nearly enough toys-lol


Lol. that was only one of four baskets of foot toys that I dumped out for him to play with.


Right now he is sleeping. He knows all about you all. I told him on the drive home that people and Grey's all over the world knew he was coming home to me and were happy for us. :silly:


We had a lovely day so far. I had to go out for a short time and when I came home he was so happy to see me. We had a little love fest for about 40 minutes. Towards the end I started mimicking one of his little noises and he picked up on the game and we said it back and forth to each other for quite a while.


He is really an angel. I am so happy.

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They never have too many toys, the more the better.


Thanks for updating us on how he is doing, he certainly is settling into his new home and you are doing such a good job so far, I don't think you will have any problems if this keeps up.


An angel you say, lets see if that still fits when he is one or two years of age!;):P

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Congrats on your baby finally coming home Crossfit :) I can't see the picture unfortunately hopefully I can view it on my home computer! Isn't it fun finding and making toys for them? You will learn what he likes most with time and it will be easier :P Sounds to me like you are going to be a great parront :)

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Woot. I took him out with me today. I had a meeting and then son had a birthday party. With Hawkins so new, I felt that would be too long alone - four to five hours. So I figured I would take him along. I have his carrier that I brought him home in and he is familiar with the car so that went well.


But even better - He loves his aviator harness. The breeder socializes them very early with the harness and she knew I was going to use one so made sure of it with Hawkie. The last two days I have been doing the physical manipulations on his body that I would need to do to put the harness on to make sure he was happy with me doing it. Since he had no trouble with my sliding things over his face nor messing around with his chest or wings, I tried putting it on this morning. I was prepared to be unsuccessful as I would rather take no for his answer than traumatize him this early to it.


Well, it was no trouble to put on. It took 2 minutes maximum. And he was a real love and had much more freedom because of it. He sat on my shoulder in my meeting chirping pleasantly on occasion and at son's friends birthday he enjoyed all the teens talking and even flew two feet to son's girlfriend. Luckily Megan, the girlfriend, knows birds and Greys so all she did was giggle and make herself into a safe landing platform. She was touched he liked her that much and since it was her birthday, Hawkins made her day that much more special.


Now we are home and he is sleeping. It was a long day. He at a radish on the drive home. I had brought a number of foods as well as water with me but I picked up my organic food basket on the way home and he got to devour a radish. I am glad he likes them. I hate radishes and never know what to do with them when they show up in our food basket!


I am so glad you all are bird people. It seems all I want to do is play with my bird or tell people about him.<br><br>Post edited by: crossfit, at: 2010/04/07 23:51

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crossfit wrote:

I am so glad you all are bird people. It seems all I want to do is play with my bird or tell people about him.<br><br>Post edited by: crossfit, at: 2010/04/07 23:51


I am so glad I am a bird person and I know exactly how you feel about Hawkins, you are in good company.


I am glad he liked his outing, what a wonderful breeder to get the babies used to being on a harness, it made it so much easier on you.


Thanks for keeping us updated on him.

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I am so pleased things are going so well,I know you have been waiting a while for Hawkins. The outing sounds like it was great fun for everyone.I wish Charlie was as well socialised as a baby,he is 7 now and a harness is out of the question with him.You will all have great fun.

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