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Pics of Netting - Safe Indoor Flight!


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There has been some interest in seeing the netting set-up I have made for our apartment so Ursula can fly but there's much less danger of her flying out the door or window. We got the netting online from West Coast Netting; it's industrial strength so not easily broken or bitten through, and you can order it to size complete with a finished edge.


OK, here goes another attempt at photo upload! Pic on photobucket, copy the img url into the message:



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It worked! OK, here's the netting over our bedroom window (there are also screens; the netting is a double protection):




Here's looking out our patio door to our balcony; the door opening is completely covered by what I call our "batting cage," made with pvc pipe:




Here's the batting cage from inside, while standing outside the door:




And finally the batting cage from outside! The neighbors probably think we're crazy, but you can't be too careful!!! The batting cage can be opened along the edge and re-closed with clips; we shut the glass patio door (Ursula inside) before ever opening the clips!



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What a clever idea and it works, I never would have imagined what you had done without the pictures and really it looks so simple, thanks for sharing the pictures with us, who knows how many members will go out and copy this but if it prevents an escape then it is worth it.

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