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Recognising your grey in a crowd


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I know there was a similar post to this not so long ago but I've been unable to find it so apologies for repeating the subject but... I've always wondered if I would recognise Beau should he ever be lost (God forbid) and be found by someone else. Their first question would probably be "what goes your CAG look like?" or "are there any distinguishing features", I always thought Beau was similar looking to other greys but since seeing many others I realise he isn't. Most other greys I see are bigger for a start and Beau is also darker than many, he is definately a congo though. So I'm reasonably confident I would recognise him.


Does anyone else think they could?

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I would like to hope that I could recognise Harvey, and after spending a year nearly with him I would hope to recognise his body language rather than his actual physical appearance.


As you know, Harvey's not a talker, so I couldn't rely on the chat - but there is a "thing" between us, when he knows he's done something wrong and I stare at him - he goes "wooh" - a bit like an owl! :laugh:


Oh, and just to add - after today when he's had me running up the stairs after him about 50 times, I'm not sure I'd let on that he was mine ;)<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2010/02/23 17:45

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Ah yes, Pookie has those little red feathers doesn't she Jill ~ that's pretty distinguishing isn't it. Harvey's just a grey thing with a red tail. I've thought of a way I could distinguish him though - give him a door frame - I'm sure his beak would be through it in nanoseconds! :laugh:

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Yeah...he is the one always flying to me. LOL. That is if they cut the bracelet off his leg that says EMR 040. I have to say that ultimately, there is no way to sever the bond I will have with my bird. As long as that is the case, I could pick him out. I am sure I could fine another physical feature that makes him unique as well. IMG_0876.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/23 19:59


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I really think I could pick mine out, Miss Lilly gives me kisses everytime I pick her up and Bingo grabs my hand as if to say, "What took you so long to come and get me". If there was a line-up and I couldn't hold them, I would have to really study! But, I think I could ;)

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I believe I could pick Dayo out of a crowd. After a few minutes observing the white pattern around the eyes, the shade of Grey on wings (Dayos is darker) feather patterns of where he has damaged some playing hard (not molted out yet) and lastly IF he just said one word, noise or sound.


I think we all KNOW our children's voice in a crowd of a thousand, and they know ours as well. :-)

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It would take some studying, but yes I believe so. Ana Grey has a lot of red on her tail for a Timneh. She has markings on her beak right now that I could recognize and the place where her band was removed is still quite bare. Once she started to talk, it would be easy and if she should whistle I would know her in a second. I believe she would come to me if I called and she had a mind to come.

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Xtreme575 wrote:

LOL @ Jill! Jill, I'm sorry, but I really believe you and Harvey deserve one another! You saying that you wouldn't admit that he is yours really made me laugh! I think you two are a perfect pair!


So true.....you could take us both anywhere - but definitely couldn't leave us (and nobody would take responsibility for either of us)!! :laugh:

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Right now it's kind of easy....


One has hardly any chest feathers, just down and is the size of a horse compared to most other greys.


The other one has a crooked beak and a bad bird attitude.


What would bother me is that Phoenix would likely run away from me but Talula would step up.

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Jill I know what you mean about not admiting they are yours. Once we were out with some other birds and Rangi kept trying to knock this amazon off his perch and everyone was looking. I was so embarrassed that I made my BF go and get him. The next day we saw a photo that someone took of Rangi harrassing this amazon. Shameful.


So I could tell who Rangi was just look for the bully. I could tell who Kea was just look for the bird clinging to the highest place available.

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