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Okay I know I am paranoid but...


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I do this often, I freak out and want to take my bird to the vet just to make me feel better if anything seems off. I noticed the last few nights that shaka zulu is not as talkitive as usual. He also seems to not be eating as much. Tonight his feathers seemed a little fluffed but he also seems to be losing some, like molting maybe. I went in his bedroom to check on him after night night time and he pooped while I was in there. I noticed it was very liquid so now I am freaking out. I have to go to work tomorrow but I am wondering if I can wait until after work or if I should take him in the morning. I may be truly just making into more than it is but I love that bird more than life and if something happened to him I would just die. I am in tears thinking about it. I don't know what could have made him sick but the poop was almost liquid. I got him to eat some sweet potato the other night but that should be good for him. I am worried that he is malnourished because I can barely get him to eat anything other than zupreem and corn. He did try the sweet potato but he didn;t actually eat much of it. Sorry to rattle on, I am just worried. I think I will call the vet in the morning and see what he says. A friend of mine that has a grey said this was pretty normal during molting but I just dunno if its that or not.


Edited to say, I feel a little calmer now. I went back and wiped the poop up and there is definitely solid poop in it, just also a lot of liquid. Also there was no smell to it. He always seems thin to me, I can feel his keel all the time, is that normal?? He has food and fresh water 24/7. When I first got him, the vet said he was under weight and he told me to only let him have food three times a day which seemed stupid to me. I didn;t want to take his food away when I was gone all day so I didn;t do that. I continued to fill his dish every morning and at night so that he constantly has a full dish. Maybe I made a mistake not getting him on a schedule like the vet said.


I have tried every other kind of parrot pellets there are and he hates everything but fruit flavored zupreem. Thats another reason the vet wanted me to only let him eat three times a day. It would force him into eating Harrison's because he would be hungry. I do not want to make him eat stuff he hates. I have been trying everything to get him to eat more fresh fruits and veggies and I think that will be just as good for him if I can get him to eat more.<br><br>Post edited by: Summerc25, at: 2010/02/23 08:04

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Summer you should weigh him in the morning after his morning bomb and this would give an indication of malnourishment. If he is losing weight this is where you would be able to tell. I can feel Harvey's keel bone too, but there's a good couple of plump breast pieces on either side to compensate.


Corn has no nutritional value whatsoever for your grey (as it hasn't for us either). You need to start giving him a good varied diet of veggies - greens are the best such as broccoli, kale etc. Offer him a different variety of vegetable.


As for the vet saying that you should only feed him three times a day - I'm not one to go against professionals - but what a load of rubbish! Birds don't have set mealtimes the way we have, and obviously in the wild forage constantly for their food - you are right in giving Shaka Zulu food throughout the day.


Don't worry if you offer a full pound of veggies and he "doesn't eat much" - they don't - they waste most. I could feed a family of five with what goes in the bin from Harvey's "nibbling".


Just keep an eye on him - I know you are a very caring parront and any changes, whip him to the AV. ;)

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Thanks for the reply Jilly :) For the most part anything green I offer him, which I do often, gets thrown at me or the floor lol I just keep trying. I chopped broccoli up really tiny and mixed it in cream of wheat over the weekend to try and trick him and he ate a few bites from the baby spoon then he attacked the baby spoon when I tried to scoop it in his food dish or feed him more. I think he realized the broccoli was there lol. I just keep trying though. This morning he bites me every time I try to touch him but he is being more vocal. I don't have a scale, I need to get one. I have taken him to the vet and asked him to weigh him. He weighed 440 before. I think I will call the vet today and ask him if I can bring him by and get him to check him and weight him just to make me feel better and be sure nothing is wrong.

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Ha Ha! I know what you mean about stuff being thrown on the floor! I would hate to add it all up Summer! Thing is - they are too clever for their own good - I laugh when Harvey picks out the bits he doesn't want and only eats what he wants to!


How old is Shaka Zulu now? He might just be trying to assert his authority with you?


Yup - the scales are a must - I have simple food scales, which didn't cost the earth - but are very accurate - I weight Harvey at least once a week - just to keep track.


Keep us updated :)

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LOL...the poop thing was driving me mad the first time I read about what to look for. I would say if it was consistanly off...then be concerned. But Issac, sometimes its got solids...sometimes totally clear...a mix...it's all over the place but consistantly some of each type. If the colors were off...I'd be concerned...but analyzing poop can lead to manifesting problems where they are not.


And yep, I would have to say I am lucky if 30% of the food given to Issac actually ends up in his crop. However, once you find something they really like (and in my cae it is corn on the cob) you can mix it with the better stuff and he will eat the greens too.



PS: Anyone ever notice how big that morning poop is....my ghaaadd!! IMG_0893.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/23 19:50


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Thanks guys :) I would love the recipe too! I took him to the vet for peace of mind. His good bacteria is still low so the vet gave me something called Sunshine Factor, it is basically organic red palm oil. He also told me to mix some organic apple cider vinegar with distilled water to give him to drink. He told me not to worry about the fruits and veggies so much ( Since he is on a pellet diet) until we get the good bacteria up so that he can digest food better. The vet did not see any kind of parasite or bacteria but he is going to send the poop off to a lab to make sure there is not anything he missed. I feel much better knowing that he is not sick but he is going to have to eat this stuff so he can get the good bacteria up whether he wants to or not...lol Oh and I am supposed to get some more Benebac but they are out so he told me to check the petstores so about to go do that.


Thanks for the support :) Only you guys can understand the freak out when you think your bird is sick...lol<br><br>Post edited by: Summerc25, at: 2010/02/24 00:31

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Here is the recipe:

1 box Jiffy corn muffin mix

follow directions on box - then add

1/2 cup pellets

1/2 cup dried fruit

1/2 canned beans (any kind)

1/2 cup chopped broccoli (or other veggie)

2 TBS crushed cuttlebone

2 TBS chunky peanut butter

I have also added organic applesauce, and crushed up Harrisons pellets and carrots. You can really add anything your bird likes.

Bake them in the small cupcake holders. Takes about 15 minutes at 350. I freeze them and give one per day with breakfast. Mine love these and go for them first! :P

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