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Pepper is wheezing


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It's ok Brittany really! Her flights will grow back in. You would be amazed at how well some can still fly even clipped. The most importaint thing is Pepper is home safe.


Did you have some chocolate like I said? If not go eat some! I mean it. I know it sounds wierd but it really will help you calm down and feel better. :)

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oh and i called the vet, the vet said her wheezing last night was prolly from stress, the cold, etc


and just to watch out if it starts again. which it hasnt :)


Pepper has been talking a decent amount too..of course not her normal self but she talked a good amount for just getting home!! Love her so much!

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I agree with Dan, you didn't permanently disable Pepper. You can join me in my club of waiting for the primaries to grow in. In the meantime, perhaps you and Pepper will find some temporary advantages to the clip? I don't know, never having seen my bird fly, but maybe you will after experiencing a flighted bird. Have you harness trained? Maybe now will be a good time, to getter Pepper used to it before flying again. I've been doing that, he loves going out on warm days.


I'm curious about the tail, is it a feather issue, or do you think it's something else?

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Idk. Maybe its the feathers, cuz I think one did fall out, and another looks like its going to fall out too.


Im thinking maybe she hit it?


I called the vet and when i did i asked about the tail and she said that the vet and the assistant didnt see anything abnormal

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Luckily for you, you have a vet who didn't take advantage of the fact that you were upset afterward. Many would. I agree about not clipping and I wanna add one more thing-----when flight feathers are clipped, they all don't grow back in at the same time. A couple have been ready to come out because they were dead and others probably were just coming in with a fresh blood supply. So, the old ones will fall out and the newer ones won't so don't be surprised if your bird can't coordinate itself for a while because more than likely new and old feathers were clipped so they will grow back unevenly. Flight and tail feathers die out and fall out at different times all year long. Flight feathers and tail feathers don't molt out like other feathers but when a bird does lose a couple of feathers in the wing or tail area, the only way that you would know that is by seeing those dead feathers in cage tray. Rarely do you see a drastic reduction in wing or tail feathers because there's always one that's just behind it taking the place of the dead feather. It's possible that there will be unevenness for quite a while.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2010/02/20 21:02

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Not to worry Brittany. Like the others said, it is most important that Pepper is home safe and sound. I am thrilled for you and for such a happy ending. :)

I have been so worried for you and Pepper. One of my greys was clipped when I got her, and like Dave and Dan said, it took her a year and a half before she could fly as feathers would break as the older ones grew in before the newones, but eventually all does end up well. Congratulations! Kisses and Hugs to Pepper!

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Poor Pepper, its hard to tell what she encountered while she was lost and what she may have experienced but it sounds like she is starting to recover from her stay on the lam and it is unfortunate that she was clipped but they will regrow in time. You continue to be there for her and she will be back to her old self very soon.

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My friend's grey 1st flew out of the house when he just learned how to fly. They got him back from the roof of their neighbor's house and the grey was clipped immediately. A year later without realizing the feathers had grown back, their grey escaped again and was found in a neighbor's house 2 days later. Again the grey was punished for the owners' negligence. His wings were clipped for the 2nd time. After a month, the grey found his way out of the house again and had since gone for more than a month. The owners saw their grey escaped right under their nose. Even with wing clipping, their grey was still able to fly away.

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Brittany, you should not feel bad about clipping Peppers wings! I would have done exactly the same thing in yours shoes. I can't imagine the emotions you were going through when you finally got Pepper back and then rushing to the Vet to make sure he was O.K. You were just trying to make sure he stayed safe. Granted, I know they can still fly with clipped wings, but I don't think clipping is a terrible thing. If it was a bird in the wild, that would be a different story - pet birds are already in our homes and confined (not natural for them). Again, I am so happy he is home and safe, those feathers will grow back before you know it. Take care.

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dhorje wrote:

My friend's grey 1st flew out of the house when he just learned how to fly. They got him back from the roof of their neighbor's house and the grey was clipped immediately. A year later without realizing the feathers had grown back, their grey escaped again and was found in a neighbor's house 2 days later. Again the grey was punished for the owners' negligence. His wings were clipped for the 2nd time. After a month, the grey found his way out of the house again and had since gone for more than a month. The owners saw their grey escaped right under their nose. Even with wing clipping, their grey was still able to fly away.


I'm sorry but allowing a grey to escape three times is neglegance, pure and simple.

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