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What didn't you teach your Grey?


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;) What has your bird (birds) learned completely on their own? These are things that were never purposely taught to them; things they have come up with on their own. For example; greetings, acknowledgments, attention grabbers, embarrassing things :evil: they do that you have not intentionally teach them to do.


Note: This same question has been posted in the Amazon Room for Zon's, the Grey Lounge for Grey's and the Other Bird Room for, Other Birds....

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Alex has picked up anything to do with the dog. He yells her name tells her to shut up does the come in whistle. He will even bark just like her then yell Roxy shut up! It is to funny! He watchs for her when he is eatting and throws food to her if she is around. He also likes the sound of my youngest daughters name and has learned how to say it. Sometimes he will yell it to her until she yells back WHAT?!? Then he stops. It's really pretty funny. :lol:

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Alex has picked up anything to do with the dog. He yells her name tells her to shut up does the come in whistle. He will even bark just like her then yell Roxy shut up! It is to funny! He watchs for her when he is eatting and throws food to her if she is around. He also likes the sound of my youngest daughters name and has learned how to say it. Sometimes he will yell it to her until she yells back WHAT?!? Then he stops. It's really pretty funny. :lol:

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Well let's see. I didn't teach Ana Grey to toss her balls off the top of her cage for me to fetch. And to continue to do it until I get tired of picking them up. She thinks this is great fun. My dog always barks when someone is in the front or backyard so I always know when someone is going to knock or ring the doorbell. Ana Grey has learned on her own, to mimic Lily's bark perfectly so that I end up going to the door in anticipation of a knock or doorbell only to find out no one is there!!!! :evil:

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I didn't teach Harvey his new "blackbird" song - he learned it from the radio that we leave on when we are at work! It's a perfect blackbird song though!


I didn't teach him to fly upstairs (which consists of two turns) but he managed that superbly at a very young age.


And I still haven't taught him to talk! He mimics with the best of them - but the only word he really says is a mumbled "hello". ;)

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