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Ok update, :( . I called Wednesday to see how Alcazar is doing. Their saying maybe not until the 15th. Alcazar is still not eating right. He's down 389. He's only taking in 15-25cc. I guess he's suppose to take in at least 55cc for the morning feeding. He's also still not eating his regular food the way he should. I'm going soooooooo crazy, not liking looking at an empty cage. I even go over and play w/ the toys. Dumb I know. haha. Oh well...

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Keep your chin up Toni, it is just a minor setback, I'm sure Alcazar is going to be fine, it just will be a few extra days until you can bring him home. But I know how you feel when you anticipate something so much and then it is pushed back a few days more. It will all be over soon and he will be at home with you, so hang in there dear.


Thanks Toni, for keeping us informed.

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He's 3 months he was born May 20th. He is only on a morning handfeeding but they say he also wont eat much of his regular food during the day.

I know he's in good hands. Ive been going to this petstore for 23 years and they said they been dealing w/ birds for 30 years. I trust their judgement. If it was someone else I would be frantic.

Yea I just want him home but in a healthy state. Thanx all for your support. Happy to find this forum w/ such caring friends.

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Well 3 months is still a little young, and Josey did not come home until she was over 4 months old, so he is right on schedule. The caregiver did not want to send her home until she was off the feedings and eating well on regular food. So hang in there and we will keep you company until he gets home, but I know the wait is hard, but the end result will be worth it.


Regarding an earlier question of yours, Josey was almost a year old before she said anything and it was "what", go figure.

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I have to ask... why are they only doing one handfeeding a day if he isn't eating his other food?? It sounds like he isn't ready to be taken off formula...


Makena is still being handfed 3 times a day (takes about 40-50ml per feeding) and continues to eat his pellets and tons of fruits and veggies during the day. He was born May 8th. The vet said we should continue to hand feed him until he is no longer asking for the syringes. He starts making this "I'm hungry" scream in the mornings, afternoon and at night. Obviously every bird is different and I am no expert, just my experience so far... :P<br><br>Post edited by: Makena, at: 2007/08/30 21:11

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Toni, I hope things move along quickly. He is still young. You want to make sure he eating well before he comes home, so you don't have any problems and have to bring him back for a bit. That would be too hard on both of you. Hang in there, and please ask about the once a day feeding, sounds like maybe he needs more.:dry:

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Feeling sad today. I can't go visit Alcazar this weekend. I have a very bad cold and sore throat. Angie, bird person, says I shouldnt go he'll get sick. {Feel-bad-0002006A}. So a question, when he comes home and I get a cold how should I take care of him ?

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Sorry to hear your unwell Toni, they probably dont want you to visit just as a precaution. We all get colds at some point & are birds are fine.If you have a cold when Alcazar is home with you,just make sure you wash your hands before handling his food,no direct kisses, general hygiene rules really, you will be fine & so will Alcazar.;)

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Thanx for asking.No I didnt go yesterday. Istarted coughing up a storm. I dont want to scare him w/ my coughs. Hopefully today I can go depends on the cough. I just woke up and my throat really hurts. I just popped in a Halls and so far I coughed twice.

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Thanx for asking.No I didnt go yesterday. Istarted coughing up a storm. I dont want to scare him w/ my coughs. Hopefully today I can go depends on the cough. I just woke up and my throat really hurts. I just popped in a Halls and so far I coughed twice.

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I went to go see Alcazar Tuesday !!! Get this !! Oh my I was saying hello to him as I was cuddling he looked at me and said hello back in this tiny scratchy voice. I was so shocked I almost dropped him. I went up to Angie saying Oh my, oh my. I told her what I thought heard. She told me she heard him say it once too. She told me someone over heard me keep saying that to ALcazar so they decided to teach him too and he picked it up well a month later but he must be trying to say it. I am sooooooooo excited !!!!

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That's wonderful news Toni and I am excited right along with you. :-)


He's younger than most for a CAG to start even trying to mutter a word (well, that we can discern) ...You have one very bright baby CAG there.


How many more weeks now until you bring him home?

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