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Bird Love...


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Okay...so i sit here with my little love of my life. It's crazy how much I love this bird. And he seems to return the love just as enthusiastically.....I never thought I would care for anything so much. So here we go..some questions.


I am fanatical over my bird and his well being..so I ask these things because of this.


If anyone can remember the 12-16 weeks with their bird..I especially speak to you. So...i have my litle boy and he seems pretty happy...but I just want to know what others have observed in the early days of their lil friend. I almost wish I could watch a video of someone bringing up their lil birdie so I could know what to expect. I am sorry for asking silly questions but I am serious about loving my little Grey. I want to do absolutely no wrong for him. I feel in debt to him to make his life as cozy and fun as possible.


Things I think about and what I want to know is how you played with your bird as a youngling..and how he reacted to introductions to differnt things. I know I am asking a lot...but I want bird baby experience stories. I actually think it would make a good sticky. The story of you and how your bird came to grow is just an amazingly sweet thing to hear. And me....I would love to hear it...so if you will...please. Thank you. I love my baby Grey! BirdCrash.jpg


Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/10 07:01<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/10 22:19


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Beau was 16 weeks old when I brought him home and recovering from an illness so I have some idea what you're asking as his progress was much delayed. At 7 months he's still very much a baby. There's loads of head scratches. That's what he yearns for. Toys - well you may have to show him how to play with them - literally. Even to the point of chewing on some of them yourself. You can also introduce new foods the same way. Pretend to take a bite, then offer to your baby. Remember, the mouth has the worst bacteria around for your baby so no open mouth kisses and nothing that has been in your mouth.


There will be lots of stumbles and bumbles, especially for the very young since they may not be as sure of foot so low perches may be required in the cage. You can also put towels into the bottom of the cage to cushion the fall if that should happen - and it probably will.


Keeping your baby near you is important, but not necessarily on you all the time. They need to learn about playing and keeping themselves entertained when you are not right there. This keeps them from getting bored as well. Changing toys often is a good thing as well, they will explore and chew. This helps with their independence as well. Foot toys and hanging toys offer different types of stimulation so both are great to have around.


I think the biggest thing you can do for your baby is to be consistent. Don't rush in an take your baby out of his cage the minute you get home, do what you need to do, and then go to them. This keeps them from expecting you to run to them the minute you walk into the room that they are in. If you baby calls for you, call back, let them know you are there and that you will be coming back to them.


Most of all, enjoy your baby, love him and relish the time together. Live in the moment.



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They are completely reliant upon you during those first months. In the natural, they spend upto to 2 years tagging along with their parents and learning.


Thus, due to this dependency, we all saw the same behaviors you are at the very young age.


You can read my book-journal entries regarding Dayo from start to....how far Ive written at:



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Thank you for the replies. At the moment, I just give him all the food and love he needs and constantly assure him that his environment is safe and...well....that I just can't get enough of him. It's amazing to have the trust of a bird that normally flies around in Africa.



rbpittman....I pretty much do what you say...except for the running to the cage as soon as I get home. LOL....I have not been too good about waiting a bit. Mostly because I can't wait to see the little guy. But I see what you mean. Thank you for the advice. :)


danmcq.....I will read your journal...should be interesting.

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Thanks for reading some of it. :-)


The love developed for our Greys that we raised from just weeks old and on is the same as that of a birthed child in my opinion.


They rely on you, look to you for guidance, comfort, love, help and food. Those early formative months are the time to take advantage of the dependence and eagerness to learn from you.


Use that to get your grey used to being handled such as lifting each wing, lifting a foot, turning it over etc. This builds trust and shows your grey they are normal things that you will do from time to time and will not alarm him as he ages. It is also the time to introduce the aviator harness in a very non combative manner as part of the touching and working with your grey process. Watch the very great dvd that comes with it on how to so this.


As long as you keep everything slow going with a happy and calm disposition, back off when you see he may be a little fearful or uncomfortable and praise him for his actions. He will bask in the glory of knowing he is receiving your approval and praise.


This is also the time as robin said to introduce as types of toys with different textures, colors, size and shapes. playing with them yourself while including him in the fun.


Offering different types of veggies, fruits etc. is important so he will be more apt to bravely try new food items and it will give you an idea of what healthy items he loves.


I love your photo and make sure you get lots of such photos. The very endearing moments lessen in frequency as they age and become more independent. :-)

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Last night, my little baby crawled up on my chest as in the picture above, but this time he laid his head against my chin and slept there for a bit. But my phone was not close to me this time and I missed the photo oppertunity. He has me wrapped around his little claw for sure.

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