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New Hatchling Leopard Gecko

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I just got this little one the other day. Don't know gender...won't know for 8-12 months...I'm calling her a "her" just cuz she's so pretty...her name is Itty Bitty Betty. LOL. She's got some white flakes on her that you can't see in person...just with the flash of the camera. I used both types of flashes and ended up with flakes with both. I think the flakes are from sand. The pet store where I got her had her on sand which is really bad...sand can impact babies (and adults)...I normally don't buy from pet stores but I just fell in love with this little one. It's the youngest one I've ever had. I *think* she's just a few weeks old.


Scientific name: Eublepharis macularius. Leopard geckos are native to dry, rocky habitat in Pakistan, India and Afghanistan.


And here she is...


















I know many people are not fond of reptiles...but maybe some of you can appreciate the beauty of her markings. ;)

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One of my very good friends is reallllly afraid of any reptile. He won't come in my house...I've promised him they are all locked in their cages...but, he still won't come in. If we get together, we meet somewhere or I go to his house. LOL.


Here's an adult Leo...



Here's the same gecko eating a calcium dusted cricket. I HATE HATE HATE crickets. We stopped using them a couple years ago and have been using silkworms or mealworms...they can't run and jump...lol


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Oh I wouldn't be afraid to come into your house because of them, I just don't care for them as pets for me. My daughter used to have a tarantula that she kept in a fish tank so I am not afraid of exotic pets, just don't want one, but they are cute and you look so cute holding and cuddling it, how sweet.:kiss:

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Ugh!! A tarantula??!! I really don't like bugs. I have an adverse reaction to them for sure!! ;) When we were using crickets as feeders, and one would get loose, I'd run in the other room. I don't mind the silkworms, but I won't touch the mealworms. I use tweezers for those. People think I'm weird that reptiles don't bother me but bugs do. ha.

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Well Brenda, that was many years ago, she was about 18 or 19 at the time and now she is 39 so that spider is long gone by now, thank heavens.


Heather, those geckos don't like to crawl around on you, except for the adult? Do they not like the feel of human skin or is that just the way they are? I guess they are happy to just stay in the cage or whatever you keep them in. Do you handle them much at all? I'm just curious as I have never had any kind of reptiles for pets.:dry:

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These are ll Great Photos Heather and I really like the different color patterns on them!


How does your Grey get a long with them or do you keep them seperated completely?


You have been one of the biggest contributors in both posts and comments!!


Karma + to you!! :laugh:

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The Leopard Geckos are handleable if you handle them as babies. Xanadu, the adult, I got as an adult. She was handled a lot and was very tame when I got her. All of my other Leos were babies when I got them. I had one that died that I tamed as a baby. I was crushed when she died...she died of a very rare kidney problem. Anyway, with all of my others, I haven't really worked with them. Many of them poop on me when I pick them up out of fear. I hate to scare them. I'm hoping as they get older they'll calm down...I've been told this is true. I have two Pictus Geckos. The male is very tame and the female is crazy-wild!!


Here's the male-named Newton (you can see his male "bits") ;)



Here's the crazy female-named Winter, she was actually screaming in the photo



I had another female who was really tame. I came home from work one day and she was barely moving and died a few hours later. I don't know what happened to her. All the geckos have their own enclosures so I know she wasn't beat up by another gecko or anything...she was my favorite...she was sooo sweet...her name was Summer...:(

Looks like she's smiling



Then my last gecko is a knob tail gecko...from Australia. If I were to handle this little guy, his skin would actually sluff off from the stress. So, I've never even tried. When I clean his enclosure, I pick him up with a cup very gently and *hurry* the process so he doesn't stress out...his name is Disco...






He kinda changes color...not sure why. I normally wouldn't keep a gecko on sand because it can lead to impaction, but these guys need to burrow. I'm careful how I feed him...I try to make sure he doesn't swallow too much sand.


One more then I'm done. This one died too. That's the problem with pet stores...so many die. This one was never really much of an eater...he never grew in the few months I had him. I think he had a parasite or something...although the vet check up was fine.


Crested Gecko named Rydell (I'm such a GREASE/Olivia Newton-John fan)




One night when I was doing a "photo shoot" he jumped into my lens...thank goodness I had another camera....lol





Danmcq, I don't allow Harrison to go near the geckos. I'm afraid she'd catch something from them. She comes into the room with me to feed them but I'm very careful not to get "gecko germs" on her. The vet warned me about it too. I show her them while they're cruising around in their enclosures...she just watches them. She knows what it means when I ask her "wanna feed the geckos?"....and she says it too. Thanks for the comment and the karma. I love to show my photos...that's one of the reasons I got into geckos...then I got hooked on them for other reasons...lol.



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I can definitely understand fearing bugs and not reptiles. I think reptiles are extremely cool, I just wouldn't want to have one that ate crickets... As for tarantulas, they don't scare be because they're so big, but all other spiders sure do... O_O



I love the striped tail on Betty!

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You just keep out doing yourself with these fantastic photo's!


Have you ever thought about submitting them to a reptile magazine or such publication?


That is an interesting comment by your Vet on keeping your Grey away from them due to possible disease.


It starts to make one wonder about people who have other various types of pets, barring cats and dogs, that disease could be an issue with?

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I feel the same as Tricky... I used to have a Tarantula... Her name was Grace... Short For Graceful Enchantment, That was until she molted into adulthood and Walla!! We have a BOY??!! he he He started becoming more nervous as I think he just wanted to go find a mate, so I didn't hold him as much after that... And His name changed to something else that we shouldn't say around young ears... :blink: he he


But, I'm terrified of house spiders and Daddy Longlegs are the most scary!!

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Lady, Lady, Lady, granddaddy longlegs are nothing to be scared of, I pick them up all the time when I see them. You and Tricky are so different, you like the big spiders like tarantulas but are scared of the small ones, I am only afraid of the ones that are poisonous, like the black widow.:ohmy:

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I've only had one escape. That was Winter...the female Pictus Gecko above...the one screaming in the picture. All my geckos have screens on the top, but hers, I didn't close all the way. The only one of my geckos that is known for climbing glass is Rydell. I found out that Pictus Geckos can scale the glue in the corners and can stick to glass just enough right after they shed. Of course, I found this out AFTER she escaped. My husband found her in the gecko room 8 days after she went missing. Here she is trying to escape again....


Shot through glass...she's hanging on to the screen



Aerial view



She now has a cage with a little latch to lock the screen in place.

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Welll, I don't necessarily like tarantulas, but they don't scare me.


Daddy long legs do creep me out, but not as much as spiders do. Daddy long legs like to hang out in our downstairs bathroom for some reason, of course, where I take my showers, so I've gotten a little more used to them.

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I love leopard Geckos. My son has six. He's trying to breed.We had Geckos for years. Their cute. He also has some mean ones called Tokai. They hiss like a cat, bark like a dog and their face looks like an aligator. We have two doors between us and I put a door draft under door in fear of Tokais getting lose.

As for crickets dont mind except in the winter time I can hear a boy cricket chirping and I tell my son to find it and kill it.lol...Summer time a/c is on so I cant hear anything.

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