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Guest briansmum

if you don't mind i'm going to take a second to giggle at the names of the stores :P mind you here in the UK we had Pound Stretcher for a short while, but they changed it because being british.. we're too proud to go to the pound store :S


not me though.. got some lovely christmas decorations from there, and slippers, and nik-naks. you'd have to go to an arts and crafts strore over here though to get things like those in your pictures connie.

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Guest briansmum

yeah i can imagine the bristles wouldn't be too good if the swallowd them. but if you give them all a good tug to get rid of lose ones and then, as with lots of toys, watch your grey it would be okay.

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Guest briansmum

beak cleaning toy, how cool! i'm fortuate that i can touch bri's beak if he has something on there, but very hand for those that can't.

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  • 2 months later...

Thanks for the quick reply. I was ready to go take the toy out of the cage until I heard back.


I think all the toy part ideas above are great except I am careful that any plastic parts are not hard brittle plastic (like the round discs in the first picture) that could be shattered by a strong beak and produce sharp edges. Just a thought.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2008/04/16 03:15

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Char wrote:

I think all the toy part ideas above are great except I am careful that any plastic parts are not hard brittle plastic (like the round discs in the first picture) that could be shattered by a strong beak and produce sharp edges. Just a thought.


I agree, but those discs are actually fairly soft, and it depends on how you use them in a toy.


As for the hemp rope, I used it it toys for Spanky, until he got his toes cought in it and couldn't bite through it. He had chewed all the wood parts off, and somehow wrapped the cord around himself. Now I either don't use hemp, or remove the toy when I'm not around. Thankfully, I was home when this happened, and cut the cord off his foot. He didn't realize I was trying to help him, and I got a good bite out of it.

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Cotton is the easiest for your bird to escape from if need be, like from the mop head on the first page. Make sure it doesn't have a chemical on it, and is bird safe. Also that it doesn't have nylon or polyester as a filler! Make sure you read the label! If it doesn't say, then ask, if no one knows, don't buy it. The "cotton" rope at Wal-mart has a filler in the center that is not on label.

Real cotton can be hard to find sometimes, depending where you are from. I have a really good dealer to get it from, and at a reasonable price. They have toys and materials for all birds needs. I can pass it on to you if it is ok with the admins. I am not affiliated with this place, but found them great to deal with. I don't want to upset the balance here. I could pm you if you like.

Anyway, back to rope... Sisal is ok but make sure your bird does NOT eat it!!! This material is not digestable, and could gather in your fids crop. Hemp is great to work with because it doesn't frey when you are trying to string the chewables etc., but as I stated earlier, be sure you are around when using it and remove it when in doubt.

My personal opinion and experience is unbraided cotton is best. It can be colored, not quite as dangerous, and is very versitile. If you are stringing chewables, beads, whatever on it, just tape the end while you are stringing so it doesn't frey and irritate the heck out of you...then cut it off when done.

Hope this helps.






I forgot leather, it is also ok to make toys with, be sure it is veggie treated and NOT dyed or treated in any other way that veggie tanned. My birds love to chew it and it is very durable/long lasting. It's harder to get tangled in but I'm sure it can/has happened. I just cut them shorter and bundle together.

K I'm done ranting on now! lol need sleep, I have exams tomorrow...haven't done that for over 20 years!<br><br>Post edited by: Connie, at: 2008/04/16 08:11

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