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RdnkParamedic21 wrote:

Haha, send me your address and I will ship her to you in a little box..Don't worry I will punch some holes in the box HAHA:laugh: Just kiddin' And I have always been a big fan of the statement "the fastest way to a mans heart is through his stomach"..However in my mind it makes more sense that the fastest way would be through his chest but thats my technical thinking again :laugh: :P



Walla :laugh: Send her to New Zealand please - that's where my son is at the moment. I'm sure she'll like it there (I would, after I've seen the photos :P )


The chest??

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Oh Judy I just don't know what we would do without you!

and FairY I got her in the box and sent her via freight, it'll save a few dollars over an actual "person" plane ticket:P


CD, that is a loaded question but I will help all I can. First, of all I need to tell you I am not familiar with how EMT's are trained or hired in New Jersey (thats where your at right? sorry:P ) A city may have an academy that they will pay for a person who has been hired to go through for training, this is usually the case in larger cities (100,000+ people). The flip side of that is they may hire only people that are cert. EMT's, if this is the case a person would have to go through, and probably pay for, training on their own. The best thing would be to simply go for a visit to a local ambulance base and just chat with the employees to see how the training and hiring process works where you are. Taking a visit there will be your best asset and your son would be able to learn a TON about the "getting there" phase and also if he would like to be in EMS, it is a very demanding career, physically and mentally, the pay is not nearly what it should be for the responsibility he would have, and the respect for EMS is not really there with alot of people or other professions. BUT it is one of the most rewarding careers (non-monetary) I can imagine..Last night we saved the life of a man with a gunshot wound to the chest. How many people can say that they have had that experience, to know what its like to help someone in that way. I could go on and on about the negatives, but the pros far outweigh the cons and if its what he wants he will LOVE it! So I hope that helps for a small start, if you could let me know what city you live in, or which he would possibly like to work in, and I have some channels I can go through and find out quite a bit more information for you on how it works there, my treat:)

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Sorry got a little off topic there, my badB) FairY I thought about it and I don't think I can send my sister to New Zealand..I want to go there someday and really wouldn't want to bump into her after I had shipped her half-way across the world in a little box..That would not go over too well I don't think:woohoo: :laugh: I guess I will just have to keep her, oh well, I still kinda like her I guess:P

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I have a brother who is 5 years older than me, and that's it. We get along well, but are not exactly close due to the fact that he lives in Nebraska and I live in Arizona, and he's married with 3 kids and I'm single and childless. I'd like to be closer to him though, because we share a lot of interests. But on the rare occasion I see him (maybe once a year), the kids pretty much dominate everything so we can't really spend any time together. Kid number three is supposed to be a real terror (many sources have confirmed this), so I'm not exactly looking forward to seeing them this fall :( .

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Guest briansmum

i agree with you on the point that "he's missing out" i've been in turmoil over it because i have a friend who's father died when he was 16 and i have thought so many times "who i am to decide whether my father should be in my life or not" but so much went wrong and he simply wasn't a father when i needed him the most. he walked out of my life and i've made peace with it. sad the way things end up :(

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That is sad Beccy, especially with the other obstacles you have had to deal with, but if you have made peace with it then I am happy for you, for you know what you had to deal with.


LovemyGreys, I would like to hear that story someday, it helps sometimes to just have an ear to listen to someone else's story to take the focus off ones own problems, and I am a good listener.

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