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Brothers and Sisters


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I come from a large family, I have 2 sisters and 6 brothers and 2 half brothers. I am the baby of the family, the two half brothers were first, then the 2 sisters, then my six brothers and then me, I always said Mom and Dad saved the best for last, but they all would disagree, but I know better.


How many of the members come from a large family and if you were not an only child, where were you in the lineup, first, middle or last?:whistle:

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Very interesting topic Judy. :cheer:


I am the baby of the family, and have one sister 4 years older. No other sisters, or brothers. But I always wanted a little brother to boss around like my sister did to me! :silly:

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Guest briansmum

i have two half sisters, although we always refer to eachother as sisters, the half thing never comes up and we're very close they are both younger, one is 14 and the other 15. then i have a step sister (their half sister) who is.. um... 25, i think but we only see her on brthdays and christmas etc, so we're not close. my mum loves to tell people she's got 4 girls :lol:

we're all tall too, me and my 14 year old sis are both over 5 foot 10!

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Guest Lidia

I have three sisters and three brothers.

I am the oldest sister, and I have one older brother (who will be 49 next week. I will be 47 tomorrow, BLEAAAAAAAAGH!!! :sick:).

One of my sisters lives in Australia and one of my brothers lives in Wales. The rest of us live in Dublin, though I have lived in the UK and in Germany.

Two of my sisters are twins and two of my brothers are twins. My parents are both still alive.

I have three nieces and four nephews but no children of my own.<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/07/31 16:36

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Well Happy Birthday to you tomorrow, Lidia.


Of all my brothers and sisters, all are living but one. 8 of us, including me, live in Botetourt County, the oldest one is 80 and he has a daughter that was born 6 months before me, so I was an aunt before I was born. Four of my brothers and sisters had a child the same year I had my first one and all five of them graduated from the same high school the same year.<br><br>Post edited by: judygram, at: 2007/07/31 17:33

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm an only 'child' (but the youngest in a large, very close knit broader family (6 mother's side, 14 father's side) so looked upon as 'the baby' by many :P

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we know diamonds are a girl's best friend - but what is the price for men? :P


(I'll take your sister, Josh - I have a lovely son who could fit her nicely - if he doesn't get the smell of my matchmaking because if he does I'm dead :evil: )

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Haha, send me your address and I will ship her to you in a little box..Don't worry I will punch some holes in the box HAHA:laugh: Just kiddin' And I have always been a big fan of the statement "the fastest way to a mans heart is through his stomach"..However in my mind it makes more sense that the fastest way would be through his chest but thats my technical thinking again :laugh: :P

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How about if I send you MY address and you can send yourself, oh did I really say that, sorry, my heart talking again.


BTW, my family will get together tomorrow and have our annual family reunion, and we will have good eats and plenty of reminiscing about the younger days. For a few of us it is the only time we see one another.:ohmy:

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I'm almost like Beccy. I am the oldest of 3 half sisters but are not called half sisters on my moms and dad's side. On my biological fathers I do have what is called 3 more half sisters. I'm not close to the other sisters thats why they are my half sisters. No brothers. I ended up having the boys in the family.

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Well Toni, you are probably smarter then I am, the oldest is smarter than the rest of the siblings. I read an article that stated that firstborn children were smarter than the others, and with me being the baby of the family, I guess that makes me sort of dumb. And all of my brothers and sisters would agree with that too, but I know better, my mom and dad saved the best for last, and that is my story and I am sticking to it.

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Well Judy I gotta say I am smart in my family. However, I have two sons and my younger one is the smartest. He has honor grades and honor classes.A's and barely B's. Hes going to become a lawyer. My first born still doesnt know what he wants to be. In his high school years he got Bs and C's and couple D's. To me it depends on the individual how they learn.

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