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Our kitten has been born!


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Here is our new kitten! Of course, he's still with the breeder, but he's ours. Here he is about 4 days old. Since our last cat was named after a composer, Mozart, we decided to keep the trend and are deciding between naming him Wagner, Puccini, and Schubert. Personally, my vote is for Puccini. =]









I can't wait to go visit him, and of course, bring him home! :laugh:



Oh, he's a Mainecoon, and his father is VERY big, so he should be pretty big himself. He'll be bigger than some of the dogs I know. :P<br><br>Post edited by: Tricky, at: 2007/07/30 19:13

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Tricky, He's adorable!! I love cats, and have always wanted a maine coon cat. Will he stay that color? I've never seen a maine coon that color. He's so sweet. I'm very happy for you. Just keep him away from your birdB) s!!

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Yup, he'll stay that color. I'd never seen a red one until recently either, I only knew of the silver and brown ones. I think that red is just uncommon. Maine coons make lovely cats, you should get one!


Yes, he and Jacques will have to look at each other through Jacques's cage bars. hehe. Jacques used to meow when our old cat walked past his cage. Our old cat didn't seem to have any interest in the bird, but a kitten may be more curious... :S I'll be watching. ;)

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Talon, our old cat was about 14 pounds, he was a silver though and silvers are a bit small for the breed. the red one should end up about 18-20 pounds.


Here are some random pictures of how big they can get:








Thanks FairY, yes, I feel very lucky. :laugh:


Post edited by: Tricky, at: 2007/08/01 20:37<br><br>Post edited by: Tricky, at: 2007/08/01 20:37

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Tricky...... :laugh: Now I know how they're called. I had seen them before, on photos - but never knew the name (and somehow it just slipped my mind that I could 'google' for that :blush: )


I think they're simply b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l !!

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Yes Judy, I think the silver ones are the prettiest.


We still haven't decided on a name, we've sort of agreed that none of the 3 original names quite fit. Right now we're toying with the idea of naming him Maestro or Hudson (we always boat on the hudson river.)


I wanted to name him Gaston, River, Molaisse ("muh-law-sha") or Hippo but no one else agreed with those. =P<br><br>Post edited by: Tricky, at: 2007/08/02 19:36

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Very beautiful Cats Tricky!


We had considered obtaining a Maincoone about 10 years ago, after we had gone a year from losing our previous Calico.


But, we searched here in California and found they were very hard to find and finally just decided to stay catless for a while.


Now, with Dayo coming home, we will probably never have another Kitty...


Thanks for bring the joy of your new baby and photos to us!!

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Thats so sad, Dan, you will never have another kitty, but then I probably won't either. I have two now but one is 17 years old and won't be around much longer, and I am not replacing her even though I have always had at least 1 cat all my life. She never bothered the birds but then a kitten probably would and I am not going to risk it.:(

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