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Biscottis' first words!!


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Biscotti was 7 mo old on Jan 1st, & he is saying his first words!! It is not the hello, good boy or hi! that I thought would be the first thing he would learn. It is a sentence! He says "What are you doing?" I guess he picked this up because I say it to him whenever he is out of his cage & gets out of my sight. So now he says it to me when he is IN his cage & can't see me!!

He has been saying it for about 3 weeks now & sometimes shortens it to "What you doing?" I love it!! :)

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Congrats to Biscotti!!!! Ana Grey's first words were a sentence also, isn't that strange and she is always shortening things. Her "What are you doing" is now "What doing"! Now the real fun begins and Biscotti will continue to amaze you every day. Congratulations to you Chelsea!!!

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