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Top Ten Questions for Irene


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CeasarDad wanted Dan to start this thread, but I beat him to the punch, sorry Dan, but this is in my area of expertise, I mean room.


We may have to act fast if and when Irene Pepperburg is able to come on this site and answer questions, and we want to be prepared. It will probably be easier to have specific questions to ask her and so I am asking everyone to come up with some questions you want answered and we will make a list of the top ten. So think fast and post your questions and we will be ready for her when the time comes.<br><br>Post edited by: judygram, at: 2007/07/30 02:46

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Guest briansmum

good one talon


i would like to ask her where she started by which i mean what was the first thing she began teaching alex? and if she could reccomend a good way for anyone else to begin teaching their grey in a similar way

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Hi ~ I'd also like to know the answers to the first two (how long is spent training on a daily basis & what did they begin with)... but actually, I would like to know more about that, like a list of learning objectives in the order they were taught (i.e. shapes, colors, numbers, counting, etc.).


Also, I would like to know how Alex's learning abilities and behaviors have changed throughout time as he matured.


Also (sorry!), I'm curious if they concentrated on one learning objective per session (i.e. one color at a time, one shape at a time, etc.) or if multiples in the same category were presented at once in the beginning.



I can come up with more but will take a break for now! :P




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I'd like to know the level of concern we should have for mosquito born West Nile Virus infection and danger for the African Grey. I can of course research this elsewhere, but she may have some good info. This kills many birds every year, crows/ravens are particularly susceptible. Maybe the greys are immune since WNV comes from Africa, as do our greys...

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