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You can't train a grey to like or dislike someone. It is the particular grey's choice. Some greys only like one person, some like more than one, some will only tolerate other people. It depends on the grey. It is not always the person who cares (feeds/cleans the cage, etc.) for the grey. I live alone and my grey loves me and is leery of others. When my family are over, she accepts them but will only fly to my nine-year old grandson and land on his shoulder (which I immediately remove her from). She for some reasons likes him. I remove her from his shoulder as I do not want her to bite him.

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Hi Scotty - Welcome to our Family. My husband and I have both had fairly the same input with Harvey, and whilst I could do anything with Harvey he only "tolerates" my husband, as Luvparrots describes. The grey decides, unfortunately, and it is just something you have to accept if you arent the "chosen one". My husband has been working with Harvey since we got him (Harvey's 13 months old) and after the initial "baby phase" where he would go to anybody, he is now starting to step up and let my husband scratch him again (when he feels like it though!). Do you have a grey or thinking about getting one? We'd love to know more about you :)

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Georgie is still only young hesa about 4 and a half months so he likes everyone still and is friendly with anyone who's playing with him...


He likes men more i think as no man can walk into the room with out Georgie flying over to land on them. He has knocked my dads glasses to the ground so many times now :laugh: and my brother is afraid to walk around with no top on as when he lands on him it's sore :P

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Hi Scottygrey and Welcome to the forum!

My grey, Alfie was "my" bird, and I was her favourite up until she reached about a year and a half, and now (she'll be two next month) she prefers my fiance, even though I do all the feeding cleaning etc (not fair lol). Having said this, I still get on pretty well with her most of the time and can handle and pet her etc!

Hope this helps.


Lyn & ALfie.

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The African Grey sure does a mind of their own. I know w/Alcazar he did like the Ex at the time more than me and Im his owner. Now Alcazar loves everyone in the house but now Im his fav. It depends all on them who the want more.

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Well, a few weeks ago I had to put my 21-year-old Congo to sleep. She had been sickly for a few years and stayed on her cage all the time, but she used to go to both my mother AND me and let us pet her etc. I have Duchenne muscular dystrophy, I use a ventilator to breathe and I can only move my fingers, so my mother took care of Perry. I don't know whether or not Perry sensed my physical limitations, but she was a two-person Grey.



Now I am looking to get another parrot, preferably another Grey. But I need a bird that my mother and I can both handle, and I want the bird to be very sociable,since I have nurses with me 24/7. My Grey was also a nervous, flighty bird that was afraid of many things, and was a picker. So I don't know if I should get another Grey, or try a Macaw or Eclectus. Now with all this said, which is the better parrot for me? Any advice would be appreciated. I absolutely adore Greys and I am leaning that way, but will I regret it later?

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Oh, I thought you already had a bird that you wanted to deal with.

First of all, forget the macaw. They wouldn't hesiate to destroy medical items that are around. They can't help themselves plus they need lots of time out of a cage, are extremely loud and can be moody.

As far as greys, especially congo greys, they don't take to new things very well. They're naturally leery of most things, can be quickly frightened of many things. This doesn't apply to every single grey but that's in the minority. You lucked out with your other grey.

Even though this may disappoint you, my opinion is to get a very young amazon, preferably a yellow nape or a yellow crowned or a green wing or orange wing. All of those amazons are friendly, like a family situation, aren't as fussy as greys. Their needs are less than greys. Basically, they need a decent playstand and decent food and a proper sized cage. They like to stay on stands, are much less likely to pluck --( greys will pluck at the slightest problem ). Will take to items such as wheelchairs or breathing devices without showing obvious destructive tendencies. It's easy for them to take to a couple of people. They can talk. They like to play. In general, they're not screechers although that doesn't apply to every single bird above. They too have individual personalities.

We have a room here called AMAZON ROOM. It was put in because loads of people here also own amazons and you can read all about them.

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