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3month old flew away


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After having rocky for 3 weeks, he flew away today. He was in front of a window with a screen, he was put out of his cage unattended by my mother, and pushed the screen off, i heard the racket and ran to see whats going on, and saw him flying, i jumped my neighbors walls, trying to chase after him, he landed on a electric wire, and then flew off again. This sucks, he wasn't even fully weaned, he was feeding twice a day. Any tips to get him back? I put his cage outside with his favorite toys.

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Continue looking for him in the direction you last saw him Fly.


He may stay up in a tree for a day, but once he gets really hungry, he will come down to you if he can see you.


This happened a a few times to customers of my breeder and they were fortunate enough to find and monitor their Parrots until they came down.


Put, the word out around your neighborhood ASAP if you can't spot him!!


You can't mistake a Grey.


Oh God, I'm am so sorry for you and Rocky. I sure hope you find him or he won't survive for more than a few days.


You hang tough Bro!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/29 22:38

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Oh my gosh, I hope you get him back, I can't imagine how you must feel.


You did the right thing in putting his cage with food out where he can find it if he comes home, and he should when he gets hungry.


Knock on every door in your neighborhood and tell everyone to be on the lookout for your grey, someone may see him and call you. But continue to look and call for him and I hope you find him soon, I will pray for his safe return.


You will find him, I just know it, so keep the faith.

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Hi Paully,


Thats a real sad story, I will be praying for his safe return. I have never experienced or known anybody that has experienced something like this and think the advice already given by the guys and girls here is all that can be done. I will certainly keep my fingers crossed.......:(

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So, So Sorry to hear this. Did you make a special sound or anything the bird would know it's you? If so, make all who can help, use the sound or words he would know.I hope the best for you. Don't give up. I found my lost bird years ago 2 days later.DON'T GIVE UP.

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Oh my Gosh! I am so so very sorry. My heart breaks for you. Everyone gives good advice. Don't stop calling for him or looking for him. Keep his cage out. Put a small night light near it if you can. Greys don't like the dark.

I will be praying for his safe & quick return. Please keep us updated when you can. AND NEVER GIVE UP, KEEP LOOKING AS LONG AS IT TAKES. SOMEONE WILL SEE HIM !:(

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By the way! Give MOM a break, she did'nt know.

Mom's are GREAT, mine just turned 80, and I found out she can't do NO wrong. There is only one of her, just like your's is to you so, remember SHES YOUR MOM.

Again, Lots of luck.


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Thanks Judygram. It's so true. When you have 8 Grand-kids and 3 Great Grand-kids you see what good mothers do for thier kids. Who was'nt 15,16, 17, and 18 and did'nt think they knew it ALL. TOO bad you have to get older to Learn what life is all about.

Kudos to all good mom's.


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Paully, you and Rocky were in my thoughts all day today. I am so very happy & relieved for you both! Please, please, take what ever precautions you need to so this doesn't happen again..


Please tell us how you got him back. It will be great advice to share with others when something like this happens again, and unfortunately we all know we will once again read a story like yours, and pray for the happy ending you & Rocky were so lucky to have.

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This is the best news this forum has had in a long long time.. In fact, the other good news was when another owner found his lost Grey too..


Hey guys.. Don't you think it's better NOT to let them get away... Don't learn a hard lesson like this please.. :( :(

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Thanks for all your support and advice. He didn't take the bait for his cage/toys set outside.


I woke up at 9:30am and went to my car to get my work schedule i heard birds chirping and the neighbors parakeets. But then i heard a distinct sound that rocky made. So i yelled, and the sound kept coming. I follow it to my front neighbors tree which was very very high. I kept calling it, and i saw him flying around the tree. I thought he would come down to me, but he flew to my next door neighbors roof, so i ran to my house, hoped on my gate and jumped on my roof to call him over, he then flew to the next door neighbors tree. So i ran over there. I called and he slowly came down the tree and onto my hand, and i ran inside with him. My neighbors thought i was on crack or something running around saying Rocky, I love you, Come down.


But ya, to whoever has a bird fly away, listen for their call/chirp, it is way different from outside birds, try going around and yell the words you say the most. I'm guessing looking for them towards the morning after they get lost is a good idea, because rocky didn't sleep at night, and he was starving, so I'm guessing when light came, he was frantic to find home. He went to sleep in his cage 30min after i fed him. The funny thing is, he was sooo scared when he got back, and he started making noise he never made, like a grunty pigeon type of noise. I hope he didn't hang around with pigeons and get a disease or something. Should i be worried about that?

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