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Saw my baby (pic)


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Went to see my new baby for my birthday. Great fun, I was so excited. He/she kept trying to crawl down my shirt. But as I promised here are some photos Moms__282.jpg


Post edited by: miltie, at: 2007/07/29 18:22<br><br>Post edited by: miltie, at: 2007/07/29 18:23


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Congratlutaions Miltie!!


That is a Great looking baby Grey you have there.


I know how excited you must feel. :laugh: Once you have started interacting with them as you have, it just intensifies the excitement :woohoo:


I am so happy for you.


And, thanks for posting that photo!!!

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You got it Miltie, like a little kid on Christmas Eve, you can't wait for the next day to come.


What a cutie, they are so adorable as babies and I know you want to be able to bring it home but it will happen, Dan has been waiting for a long time and he will bring Dayo home this weekend, so hang in there and it will be here before you know it.


Keep the photos coming when you visit the next time, it is so interesting to see how much difference you see from one visit to another.

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I saw my baby yesterday too.I fed it. Then it pooped on my shirt. :S . I paid for the DNA. They said it will be in 10 - 14 days.Once that comes in I will decide the name. Did anyone here get a baby AG and you cant take it home? Not to sound whimpy but I cried as I was walking out the door. I havent cried about leaving a baby in 20 years when I couldnt take my son home from the hospitol. I know call me wuzz..haha

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Toni, alot of people cant take them home. I cant have mine till its weaned and fledged. I cry too. Its very sad leaving them, even tho we know they are in good hands I have been waiting since May and breeder said may not be coming with me until Sept. sad sad sad

Everyone one here has heard me whine for months.

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The person who sells the birds to my pet shop what she does is make up a baby bird book of it.yellow photo book w/ tie ribbon. I have like 7 pics of it when it was couple days old til now. Thoughtful of her doing that. When I figure how to scan form my new computer and post on here I'll send couple out. I also took some pics of it eating. SoIm excited !!Thats my B' Day gift from my parents, my ex boyfriend,and myself. My B'Day is July 31st. Going to be oldddd. But I guess it depends how young you feel so instead of 44 I guess Im turning 25. haha

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It does indeed seem like forever and with you being so far away, only visiting once a month makes it even harder.


But, you have a wonderful set of pictures and the memories until the next time.


The time will go by fast, as I felt the same as you when I first saw the new Grey Clutch and was told weaning would be 2 months.


I know joining this forum and reading of the adventures of all the other members here, has made it much more bearable.


For me, reading others posts, was seeing a vision of things to come.....and that always made me smile. :)


You hang in there and thanks for sharing your visit and photo of your new baby Grey :-)


Karma + for You!!

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I have a concern for my baby. When I go in the pet store to see my baby this baby cockatoo whose cage is beside my baby's well its constatly crying, crying, crying in this shreiking cawing noise.I wondering if my baby can pick that noise up or is it a noise it will forget?

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Guest briansmum

it shouldn't pick it up so young toni. i'm presuming it will be less than a few months old when you bring it home? very few pick things up that little and even if it does then providing you don't reinforce it and ignore it if it does make it, your baby should forget it pretty quick.

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Judy is right. If you aren't reinforcing the sound, he will forget about it. That happens even with words, if I don't say the same phrases every once in a while, Talon will forget and not say it anymore. :silly:

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