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'nuther vid

Guest briansmum

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Guest briansmum

he does, that was towards the end of feeding too. when i first get it out he goes into "baby mode" head bobs and makes noises, i practically have to pour it down his neck lol

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Guest briansmum

he is cute, unfortunately though he will wipe his beak on things unless i get to it first, it's a good way of teaching him to let me touch his beak.

we always use baby feeding as our quiet time, i turn down the tv and only do it when no one else is there, i would reccomend it as a good bonding thing with your bird.

be careful what baby food you use though, always check the ingredients. i found an organic carrot and potato one, and that is literally all that's in it, you could always make your own.

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Thanks for the video and the great idea of feeding them baby food by spoon.


We will have to do this for Dayo when he comes home.


About seven Saturday night, he started acting anxious to be fed.


When we got him to the breeder, she fed him, but he just wanted a little, then he was done.


Must be a habit with them when they are weaning...Kind of like a security blanket or something to them?

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I planning to buy some baby food tomorrow. Topaz is being a pain about weaning and this might help. She still wants 4 feedings a day and she is now 10 weeks old.

Guess her being sick slowed down the weaning precess.

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Guest briansmum

it's nice to share with your bird, and it's handy to have them eat from a spoon, if you haave a syringe you could use that, i tried but brian had deffinately grown out of the syringe.

it's also a sneaky way of getting food in them they don't like. brians not a big fan of carrots, but he can't get enough of the warm baby food ones :laugh:

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