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What to do to get him back?


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I empathize with you, and it tears my heart out. If I lost one of my fids like that I would be devastated.


I don't mean this to sound negative, but this is exactly why you never take your fids out where they can fly without a harness on. I read so many stories like this, it just breaks my heart.


Never outside without a harness. EVER.

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I am so sorry for this ordeal you have been going through. Now take a deep breath and regroup. Sindbad is out there somewhere. Have you tried posting pictures of Sindbad at the local elementary school? Children are so observant if there is a grey around they will know. Don't give up.

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Wow! This whole saga has made me just sick for you right from the beginning! I've been following your original thread from the day Sinbad spooked.


I'm so hopeful that this is Sinbad, and I'm extra hopeful that you can get him back from this low-life (if it is Sinbad).


I really think you need to talk to a lawyer really quickly! There may be a way to get some sort of injunction with police assistance or using the SPCA. Something lawful and not causing you to be the victim of extortion (or for parronts, kidnapping). In Canada we could have him charged with possession of stolen property, I don't know if you have something equivalent, a lawyer can help.

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Sindbad wrote:

I feel SOOOOO ASHAAAAMED. I don't know how to make it up for this guy for doubting his integrity. .


Do NOT feel this way - this guy didn't skip a beat when you offered to buy the bird. If he was a genuine bird lover (or even just genuine!) he wouldn't even have considered it.

Ona positive note, you don't have to worry about getting Sinbad back from him now, which sure sounded like it was going to be tricky.

Janet's school idea is a good one. Please don't give up - we are praying for you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow..Very sorry to hear this.I'm just happy I have Alcazar chipped.If this happens I'll make sure that the humane socoiety takes a scanner to scan his microchip. Good way to prove he's mine. It will be a long process for you to prove this.I would call the police too

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Hi Summer. No News yet. I've started to lose hope a bit. I also have been extremely busy and although I printed the posters, I haven't got a chance to go put them in local schools.


We are buying our first house and I keep thinking he should have been witnessing the moment with us. Too bad he's not. I thought of buying another grey and at least Sindbad will have a companion when/if he's back. But we've put all our savings in the downpayment and we have to be on tight budget for a few months.


Any way, I'll keep you posted. Thanks for asking.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know it is hard for you to be moving forward without your Sindbad, just wanted to let you know you are being thought of and you still have caring people here on the forum hoping and praying for you to be reunited. You have been through an emotional wringer. You didn't do anything wrong by questioning the integrity of a stranger, you only had a normal reaction to your loss and hope for getting Sindbad home again. I am quiet impressed at your strength and courage and for you to have kept your emotions reined in while you checked facts. You have also raised issues for all of us think about, microchips, means of identification etc.

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