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What a Bomb!


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Does your grey look to see where their poop lands after dropping it, Josey does and it is so funny to watch. She will squat slightly and let it rip and then turn her head to the side and watch where it lands, like look what I just did. I cannot help but laugh.:laugh:

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Guest Lidia

Judy, absolutely! Joshua looks to see where it lands, and when it does, looks at me and says, "Ooooh", in a very appreciative voice, as though his range finder is bang on target!

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Guest briansmum

yep bri's a poop spotter too, particularly if he's wandering about on the floor when he does it. he squats, poops then immediately turns round for a good look. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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  • 11 months later...

:laugh: Judy! Josey certainly sounds like she needs to have a handle on things!


Bella doesn't look after she went, but she says "oops poop poop!"


Jiggy on the other hand, he eyeballs his doings from one side to the other and then he scooches away like "that wasn't me - eeew, who did that???" :laugh:

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Judy, yes Harrison does that..it is soo funny!! She says "poooopiiiieeee" either right before or right after she lets loose. Then she, as you said, turns her head and looks to see where it lands. She does the same thing with (people) food. She will try to drop it on the dog's head...she'll watch to see if she got the bulls-eye or not.

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