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Hello all, I love your website! It is very well-organized and has a great layout. Anyway, I currently have a young Senegal parrot, and am about to bring home a one year old Timneh Grey.


The Grey is an 'unplanned' bird, and I have been on a couple other sites talking about him, but not everyone agrees with what I'm doing. He is coming from a bird-specific store, and I know there are many who disagree with any sort of purchase from a store that sells birds, but the reason behind it all is that he has been there for about a year now, has dealt with a hard-to-heal injury, and is by himself looking a little ragged and needs some attention and care. He just really needs a home, and I would like to give it to him.


I have done a tremendous amount of research already, so please don't think I'm taking on a bird without thought, and I also volunteer at a parrot rescue & sanctuary nearby which is very educational and fun and sad at the same time.


Hope to get to know you all more in the next few months -- I'm not sure when exactly I will be bringing this bird home, but it will be within the next 2 weeks for sure (we are closing on a home sale soon, so need to get that over with first!). Thanks for the site, hope this wasn't too long of a first post!




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Hello and welcome! Please feel free to ask questions, bounce ideas around etc...there is a wealth of knowledge available here from many users that are ready and willing to share ;)


You mention the TAG had a "hard to deal with" injury. Can you provide more details? Provided you are committed to this animal I think its wonderful to provide a loving/caring/life time home. B)

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Hello and thanks, dblhelix ~ I am definitely committed to this grey, and hope to offer the best home possible to both my birds.


The injury had to do with a toy that was in his cage in the past - apparently, it used a large staple to hold parts together, and when the bird(s) chewed the wood around it, the sharp end became exposed and cut the bird's belly pretty badly. It took a long time to heal because the wound kept re-opening, and they had to put a collar on him for a while.


I don't see any evidence of it now since there are feathers over it, and he is supposed to be healed, but I will definitely be going to my avian vet soon after we bring him home. I only know what the store has told me about it.



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sounds like you got your hands full too! yes, I have felt like on other boards some people feel like if you don't have a grey, then maybe getting one that needs a bit more love, effort and time is not a good idea. I understand that alot of homes for rehomes do not work. But not all.


In my home, we have pets that have been dumped, abused and they have turned out to be wonderful additons to our family. Our sun conure has been quite a learning experiance for us. We I first got Yago..... we did alot of research and are giving him love and boundries. Kinda like work :P (I work with the adult mentally disabled)


anyway, guess i am just trying to say in my rambling way........ welcome and keep us posted!

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Welcome Julieinva, and welcome to our family, and congrats on your new grey and I commend you for taking this particular one since no one else seemed to want it. I'm sure with your love and devotion he will make a fine companion.


Glad to hear you did your research before buying the grey, some people don't and that is why some end up in the rescues.


Where in Virginia are you located, I am from VA too, in Eagle Rock? Maybe we are neighbors.:)

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Welcome Juliain,

My name is Kim and I'm so glad you have joined our family. I'm sorry about your birds injury, but it sounds like he is on the better side of it.


We all are so happy your here.

Don't be shy about asking questions. No question is a dumb one.



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Hi Julie and welcome :) I think it's a wonderful thing you're doing and can totally not comprehend people who would think otherwise. What do they think then? That it's better to leave him without personal care and love in a shop?


I hope you will like the forum ;)

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Hi Julie, and Welcome to our family. I'm so happy you are adopting this bird. Sounds like you have done a lot of preparations in bringing him home. He is very lucky. You'll love it here. Can't wait for pictures and updates. Keep us posted! :cheer:

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Guest briansmum

hey julie. well done you for giving the gorgeous guy a fighting chance at a loving home, we're all for that here. feel free to post away, no post is ever too long. i hope you enjoy your stay here in our big grey family :cheer:

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Hi again to everyone ~ thank you for your warm welcomes! Judygram, I am in Fredericksburg, VA... not sure how far that is from you??


I went and visited our soon-to-be Grey this weekend, of course... he was a little bit grumpy a one visit but great the next! I have heard they can be fickle... and I can't really blame him, since he is pretty much forced out of his cage based on when I can visit. It will be so great to finally have him home soon, so we can start giving him baths and healthy treats!


Thanks again for all your replies, there are some forums online (on all topics) where everybody seems to just wait for someone to criticize.. this message board seem very friendly and helpful, and I'm glad to have found it. :) Our grey's new cage and supplies should be arriving sometime this week; so exciting! Will post pics when we finally get him home...



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Well Julie, this forum is not like other forums, we treat everyone here like family because we are a family of grey owners. We care about each other and our greys and I don't think you will find a nicer nor more helpful bunch of people than right here. We don't like to criticize others but if we do have a disagreement with another member, we prefer to pm that person and handle it privately and not within the forum.


That being said, I am glad you joined and looking forward to hearing more about your grey and maybe some photos soon.:)

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