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An Explanation by Talon


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It seems I have “ruffled some feathers” in my decision to open up an Amazon Room. That was never my intention to slight anyone or any Other Bird Species. Opening up rooms for every individual bird and finding moderators for each room would be a huge task that would be a bit taxing on the forum software. We have an Other Bird Room and threads can be started for each bird.


This site was developed and built by a loving and devoted grey owner who shall remain nameless, (as per his desire). Our focus here has always been our beloved African Greys. When Ceasarsdad and I first joined this forum, there were 3 rooms, 1 admin, no moderators and under 1000 members, we have dedicated our spare time to build this forum into what it is today. There are 20 rooms, with 5332 members.

The only thing we have asked of our members are two things:

1. That they remember that this is a family forum,.

2. That we are from all parts of the world and everyone is to be treated with dignity and respect.


Ceasarsdad and I have spent countless hours of our lives here for the past 3 years. Many of those hours and work is undetected by most members because we are working behind the scenes. We have used our own personal financial resources to offer gifts to members who won contests and to pay for conference calls to our moderator team from all over the world.


We do not own this forum, we donate our time as do all the moderators here. There is no pay for anyone, and the owner of the forum does not generate any income from this site as well. We are here because we love our birds and want nothing but the best for them. Here we have developed a family of members that are full of knowledge and are willing to spend their time helping others give their birds the best life possible.


That being said, after all the many hours spent here on my own, and after searching with no success on finding an Amazon Forum, rather than leave this wonderful community and the many friends I have made, I have decided to “reward” my efforts for the past 3 years and open a room that I wanted. To share and learn with the many other amazon owners here. Many of us own both amazons as well as greys and many other bird species.


Some of you make think that this room is selfish of me, maybe it is, I have always done what I feel is in the best interest of our members, but this one time, I have opened this room as I see it as a great resource. Those of you that have Amazons, know how different they are from greys, not only in personality, but their requirements and their needs are very different from other birds.


So, if I have offended any other bird species or members, I apologize. I was very excited about opening this room, but that excitement is now met with guilt.


This is not directed at any one member in particular, I just wanted to clear the air about my reasons for singling out a bird species and opening a room dedicated to them.





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Being that you have a moderator, that you have the support of a lot of people for the Amazon room, I love the notion and the heart behind it. Thanks Talon. I thought it was a great idea and would like to see it continue. Please rediscover the excitement, it is contagious! Dee

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I know this isn't why you started this thread, but hey - here it goes!


I am extremely grateful (as is Harvey) for the dedicated time and effort that is undertaken in order to make this the forum it is. I have never, ever been a member of a forum before (I don't even have a Facebook or MySpace account) but when looking around the internet I watched, with interest, the detailed and humourous accounts by members, some of whom I am now pleased to call my friends.


It was an absolute honour to be asked to be a moderator by admin, and I hope to continue this for a good length of time, to show the dedication and desire for this forum to go from strength to strength (as it has done over the years).


Open up as many rooms as you want Penny - but as long as the next is that "Jill Room" I've campaigned for!


Joking asides - I don't care what rooms you open - you're the gaffer, the boss, the don - do what you want (but I draw the line at a stick insect room or tarantula room)!!


Thanks, from the bottom of our hearts.


Jill & Harvey x

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Penny, I don't know anyone who is more dedicated to this GreyForums than you. I have spend a lot of time reading ancient posts and threads and you and Frank are embedded in the older posts. The two of you are the rock, the foundation of what Greyforums has become. So I salute you and want you to know how grateful I am to call you my friend and Honorable Leader. Thank you for all you have done! In my heart I know that whatever you do is always with good thoughts for all of us, the whole!!

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You didn't ruffle my feathers, you know I was kidding about the room but apparently some others did and no one knows any better than I do that you have put in countless hours of unpaid work into this site and if you want an Amazon room then you deserve it.


You are the lead admin on this site and you make the decisions and no one should question your motives for you have always had the best interests of the site in mind at all times so don't feel guilty about adding the room.

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  • 4 weeks later...

:) I just found this post. I've visited many bird groups on the Net and they all seemed to be about the owner and what the owner liked, and if you disagreed you were publicly told off... There was actually very little about birds and birds needs or the people that cared for the birds, Penny made this forum to share with each other.Most other group's are very cliquish. It's amazing how such a diversified group of people on the Grey Forum can co-exist so smoothly due to the efforts of the administration. I personally wish I had more hours in the day so I could post more in more rooms. I personally do not feel that Penny or anyone who makes the tough decisions here has done anything wrong. We cant forget that this is "our" forum. Thank you Penny and everyone involved for making the Grey Forum what is is today.

Thank you,

Jayd and Maggie (and Spock) No explanation needed!!!<br><br>Post edited by: Spock, at: 2010/01/24 04:40

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I was happy there is an Amazon room. This way I can stick to one forum and not TRY TO FIND ONE.. I can't find one for me to learn more on Delilah and Dakota. Plus, yes Penny you deserve it!! You are very devoted to this forum.

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Penny, I don't think you were obliged to give any, but the motives you had for opening an Amazon room were as good as any I could think of!!! How sad that you've been made to feel guilty by something someone may have said to you regarding the room!. Please don't, but instead, as Dee said, rediscover your excitement! I for one am enjoying the zon room - and I don't even have one!

Thanks Penny, and everyone else for all the time and effort you put into this place!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Penny, I sincerely hope you are over your guilt for opening the Amazon room. When it first happened I thought, "Oh, ok, good for Jay for taking on the responsibility" and that was the end of it...


Then one night I ran out of updated posts to read, I think Jill went to bed (kidding!), anyway, I decided to check out the Amazon room. Wow! I gotta say, what a fantastic room! Everyone involved should be congratulated on how well the room is being managed and the wealth of information that is already available on there! Also, it has convinced me that when I am ready to adopt another parrot, it will be an Amazon - amazing birds, I've fallen in love again!

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I dont see any problem with an amazon room on a grey forum, im a member of several forums, some general parrots and some grey forums. Even on the grey forums there is a section for other birds and theres never been a problem. Its like being on a dog/horse forum but only allowing a certain breed! I know this forum specialises in grey but we cant be racist towards any other feathered friends! I used to have a ringneck and i spoke about him on grey forums.

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NIce to have an amazon room, even for grey owners, its nice to read about different species, without having to go outside this family environment.


Lots of appreciation to you Talon and to other moderators, we are all so greatful for all your efforts in making this forum a huge success. You guys are the best


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