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Timneh or Congo.. Part 2


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Once agian the dilema of Timneh or Congo. I just want to get a poll now of what everyone has if its a TAG or CAG. Especially would like to hear what Ceasar is and Josey and everyone elses. Also I hear that CAGS dont start to talk til 12 months. I heard from my local pet store that they have an African Grey Congo just need to know to put deposit down. Ok so let me hear it from you fine folks. Thanx for all the help you have already given me. A bunch of smart cookies in here. My new other family. ~~Singing~~~ WE ARE FAMILY..I GOT ALL MY BIRD FRIENDS AND ME....lalala

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danmcq wrote:

CAG :-) ... of course , I am prejudiced ;)


I have seen Posts here of CAGs talking way before 12 months also here on the forum.


I've heard that too. I'm also prejudiced, as I will hopefully be bringing my CAG home on August 1st


For me, I wanted a CAG because I like the way they look, I know, very shallow


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I personally have always wanted a TAG, but there are never any being rehomed in this area, and I don't really like buying breeders when I know theres a bird out there that NEEDS me, not the other way around. I have 2 CAGs and love them both, I'm sure one day I will get a TAG though!

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TAGs are much harder to find even as a baby much less a re home.

I have two re homes and two parrots I got as babies. I for one would of never been able to handle a grey as a re home it would just scare me to death I would make them worse not better. My grey was a baby of 6 months when I got her.

One of my re homes worked out great my other is still a biter and can't be handled without a towel.


Sorry didn't mean to hurt your head. lol She talks when she THINKS no one is around. Feel better.<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2007/07/26 21:29

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Quote Tari:"Dan

Sorry didn't mean to hurt your head. lol She talks when she THINKS no one is around. Feel better."


Yes, much better!! :laugh:


In that Case, Dayo was talking at 10 weeks..saying "Come and Get Me" in his Head. When he was sitting at the cage door just waitig for us to pick him up ;)

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Hi Guys,


I personally own a Congo and two TAG`s, the CAG was the first companion acquired and since then i have experienced both sub species at first hand (hence my decision to acquire two TAG`s for breeding). In my opinion (and i stress my opinion as others may disagree) TAG`s are a lot less manipulative and are noticably more sub servient. They are also far more gentle than many CAG`s i have encountered. I would say it is analagous to choosing between a king charles spaniel or a terrier in canine terms. Both will make fantastic companions given the correct environment, but each of us are unique and have distinct characterstics which may be better suited to one species or the other. Some may prefer the seemingly more challenging aspects of a CAG, however i have not witnessed any noticeable differences in `grey matter` and i have witnessed both talking and imitating with no discernable difference in vocal quality. My decision to recently purchase a bonded pair of TAG`s was largely based on bringing this sub species to the forefront of public awareness as it has always been undeservably thought of as the lesser grey. By opting to breed TAG`s i hope to increase the domestic gene pool of captive bred TAG`s in the UK and possibly play a hand in there increasing popularity. Physically i would not say that either is `better looking` than the other as both have unique characteritics and the soft velvet like feel and maroon sheen of the TAG more than compensates for that `bright red tail` in the CAG.

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Guest briansmum

CAG here. I wanted a TAG as they tend to be a bit more easy going but couldn't find a breeder anywhere. it doesn't matter now though, yeah he can be highly strung at times, but he's everything i imagined he would be and more. and as for the 12 months talking, yes that is the average age, but don't forget some NEVER talk. my CAG is 5 and a half months and he occasionally says "hello", "ooww" and "yes".. aswell as a few other things i am sure are words but can't make out yet. do not choose your bird by on who will talk faster. good luck with your decision

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I have a CAG, I don't know why, I think my dad wanted me to get a CAG because... they have a brighter tail? :huh: :dry: ...Anyway, looking back on it, I wish I had gotten a Timneh, just because they're less common... but oh well. =P

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I would never cage 2 greys together. As they get older, they become very jealous,moody and possessive with another bird in the same cage. A grey usually wants it's own *home* with his/her own toys and a cage set up made just for that bird.

Another important thing about caging 2 greys together-----Every grey has an individual, unique personality. Having 2 in one cage doesn't allow for those personalities to fully develop. A person/bird bond is better created if that person has a chance to interact and deal with each bird individually according to it's own unique personality.

About the only things that're similar about 2 greys in a house are the colors of their feathers.

Dave<br><br>Post edited by: MrSpock, at: 2007/09/07 03:31

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Guest briansmum

i think both are equally as beautiful. i hope one day to have a rescued TAG, i've seen a couple for sale over the internet here in the UK but i simply can't take one at the moment, i don't have the room for another cage, and even though theres more than enough space in brians, i can't see him wanting to share :lol:

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