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Darwin's First Hatchday!!


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WOW! I can't believe Darwin is one year old today!!! She has grown up so incredibly fast I can't wrap my head around it. It feels like such a short time ago that I went to see the babies and we met when she was just 6 weeks old.

She is just the light of my life and brings me so much joy! She makes me laugh everyday with her antics and hilarious sounds. She isn't the best talker yet and seems to prefer making noises - and my goodness she makes a lot of different sound effects. Little Darwin is still coming to work with me at her breeders and has made quite a few friends! She has her own perch she hangs out on and loves going there - the whole car ride she goes "WEEEEE! Woohoo!" lol. She's also recently picked up "I'm a parrot!" from my boyfriend's Amazon, which she says incredibly enthusiastically. Anyway, I'm trying not to ramble too much but I'm just so proud of her.

She still happily steps up onto anyone, gives the best kisses, and has cuddle time at 4pm and 7:30pm every night. She eats her veggies with vigor and can outsmart me with her foraging toys lol!


Anyway, we all love her to pieces and her hatch day "cake" is in the oven now (blueberry/cranberry bird muffins lol). I'm so glad I found this forum so I can share with you guys! I'm just so excited for my little Darwin and so glad she's a part of my life.


Here are some pictures of her playing with her hatch day toys! Enjoy! :)



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cf737 wrote:

Anyway, I'm trying not to ramble too much but I'm just so proud of her.


Lol - ramble away! It's always nice to hear of an owner smitten by their grey!


So happy birthday Darwin!! Great pics of the birthday girl with an awful lot of toys! Spoilt?


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Wow, happy hatch day to Darwin and kudos to you for all your doting and care. I enjoy your posts and encourage all the ramblings you can manage on keeping us updated with pictures and stories about your beautiful girl. Also, her idenification ring looks like proper jewelry for a pampered feathered friend. Ours looks a bit "industrial" but Juno doesn't mind.

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