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Proud of my big baby!


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So I went to the bird fair this weekend and spoiled Ecko instead of myself. It was my 21st birthday on Sunday and I decided to buy BIRD TOYS with my birthday money haha! I thought it would take him a while to get used to all his new toys because he is usually scared to death of new things but boy was I wrong! He went right to them I was so excited for my big brave boy I decided to take pics and share with you guys! :P:);)


I gave him a little foot toy to start off, he loved it right away!


He literally ran to get this toy.. he loves those kind of balls!


At first he wouldn't go near this toy but once it was in his cage he did!


I thought for sure he would be scared of this big one but nope lol!


Some more that he loved and started chewing right away.


I rearranged his cage a little and put all new toys in.


So proud of my brave baby!




Also here is a video of Ecko practicing his name. He now calls himself Ecko-boo! lol he loves to just sit on his daddy and chat away.


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That was so thoughtful of you to shower him with presents for your birthday. He will learn to be generous and kind to you from all this love and attention. Before you know it Ecko will be buying you all sorts of goodies. Every time a new shopping bag shows up, my husband comments and I tell him, thats what Juno bought for me today, isn't he a sweetheart? Ecko has a great setup and lots of love and attention and you'll get your turn too.

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