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Wesley the Owl


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Just thought I'd share my new favourite book!


It's called Wesley the Owl, and as it's description says, is "The Love Story of an Owl and His Girl". Yes, there are some teary moments - but my goodness, it is a FANTASTIC book and I think I may end up reading it again very soon!


It's all about a young biologist and how she brought in a baby owl, who imprinted on her and she cared for for his entire, long and love-filled life. You will not believe some of the things that happen in this book, and I think the more people read this book the better: it truly says something about humans ability to bond with a wild animal and just how significant of an impact such an animal can have on a human life. It really is a phenomenal book, I learned a lot and I think any animal lover would just love it.


It will also be wonderful if non-"bird people" read it - they might understand a little more the relationship we have with our birds!


Let me know if anyone decides to read it!


Here's a link to the book's site:



:) Cassandra

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Oh Cassandra - I've just read the write up - it's sounds delightful!! The thing I like about books like this is that it is actually written by an animal expert - so as well as cheeky humour there'll also be fact.


Thanks for sharing this - it's definitely something I'd like to read :)

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I'm so glad you got it an are reading it pearlyn! It really is a wonderful book and I really think you'll just love it.


Thanks so much everyone for giving me a chance and thinking about getting this book. It really made a huge impact on my life and I hope whoever enjoys it has lots to say! I'd love to talk to fellow bird lovers about it, as you guys know the best what they're really like :)


Enjoy, and keep me posted on how you like it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finished reading last night and I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Some parts were really funny - Wesley giving someone the no-nos, unscheduled baths!! But some of it, some of the things he did were so unbelievable! I think if I hadn't known Alfie when I read this, I would have thought it a bit far-fetched!, but knowing what Alf is capable of made it a better read for me.

I found this on Youtube



If you're looking for a good book, I'd say any bird person would enjoy this.

Thanks again Cassandra for letting us know about this.


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I'm so glad you guys are enjoying the book! I completely agree with you Lynn, if I didn't have Darwin I would never believe half the things that happened! I just think it goes to show you how amazing animals really are, and how important it is to learn that!


Keep me posted on how you like it!

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  • 1 month later...

I read Wesley the Owl and Alex and Me between New Year's and returning home. Really good reads. Thank you for suggesting Wesley. I cannot express how I feel about all the wonderful creatures who are on this planet with us. "The only dumb creature is the one who calls it that." "The difference between humans and other animals is humans can sin."<br><br>Post edited by: kittykittykitty, at: 2010/01/13 00:03

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kittykittykitty wrote:

"The only dumb creature is the one who calls it that."


Lol Kitty, well said. I feel the same way - sometimes I prefer animals to humans! (Eeek! Did I say that out loud?) What I meant was I prefer animals to some humans! I think I'll stop there!


Sooooo you all enjoyed the book ay? !!! :laugh:

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Thanks for the suggestion to read this book. I thoroughly enjoyed learning "the way of the owl". I love how the male takes care of the nestlings and the female. That reminds me a lot of the webcam of Camilla and Gonzo. It is very endearing how hard the papa bird works taking care of the family.

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