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Grey and a baby?


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Okay, so I just found out a week or so again that I am pregnant.



Pepper is my baby, and I am NOT getting rid of her. That's not what this is about. Anyways she bit my sisters 3 months old baby a month or so ago, she does not like babies.


So I was wondering about what other people experienced when bringing a baby into the home after the grey?


I am soo nervous about not being able to give her enough attention!!

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Congratulations Brittany and so glad to hear you are gonna keep Pepper but you will have to keep your new baby a safe distance from her when she is out.


When your new baby arrives you will work out a schedule that allows you enough time to spend with her and the baby, where there is a will there is a way.

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Congratulations Brittany. I have two young nieces (1½ and 4) and have to make sure that when I have them I never leave them unattended when Harvey is out. It's all work in progress - You're a woman - you can multi-task!


Having a human baby changes your life anyway - you just have to juggle your other baby into your busier schedule. ;)

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Congratulations Brittany, that is very exciting! As Judy and Jill have said you'll just have to keep the two separate. And don't worry, I'm sure you'll find the time to spend with both of your babies. When the human baby is napping perhaps? Although that's probably when you'll need to catch up on sleep!


Congrats again and have fun with your babies!

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I doubt Pepper doesn't like babies. How many have been around her and for how long? Just like a new toy, it takes time for my grey to become comfortable with something new.


It wasn't a baby, but we had a surprise long-term care for a very nice, but very large dog. This threw our grey into a couple of growling events, but once they were properly introduced and with some time to gain trust, they became quite fond of each other. It was rather interesting to see a 500g grey nose-to-nose with a 100lb dog :ohmy:


What is absolutely necessary is to set boundaries with Pepper. The rest will come with time and consistency.


And, a huge congratulations to you and your family!!!

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Congratulations Brittany, Im so pleased for you.

I am sure things will work out just fine for you and you will learn to divide your time between both babies.

Like the others have said, dont leave them both unattended and supervise at all times, introduce baby items to your grey as I when you buy them so many items wont seem as alien when the baby arrives.


I wish you well and a great future:)

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Thanks so much for the kind words everyone.


As someone pointed out -- you're right Pepper probably doesn't hate babies :) she's only been around my sisters.


I guess she was just curious, and nervous. Because of course the baby got a lot of attention.


But I am hoping that everything will work itself out ;)

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Congratulatins Brittany, that's such exciting news!


While I don't know that this will work, I can suggest that you include Pepper in your preparations for the new baby like you would if she were a child. Talk about when the baby comes, what the new things that will be coming into the house are for, etc. We did this with our oldest son when his sister was born, and then with each of them as their younger siblings were born. We also let our dogs see, sniff, and know what we brought into the house for each child. When our baby eventually arrived, there was an official, introduction between the pets and the baby, just like with the older children. Will they do something intentionally to hurt the child, only if you give them a reason to; and don't be surprised if Pepper becomes protective of the baby. Our dog wouldn't let my daughter's father near her for almost 3 months without me around.

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